The Most Ancient Lives of Saint Patrick/The Life and Acts of St. Patrick/Chapter 112

180142The Most Ancient Lives of Saint PatrickThe Life and Acts of St. Patrick by Jocelin, translated by Edmund L. Swift
Chapter CXII: Of the Veil that was sent from Heaven
James O'Leary

Of the Veil that was sent from Heaven.

And there was a time when Patrick was about to consecrate two virgins in a field within the territory of Cregrus, and a veil sent from heaven dropped into the bosom of the saint, the which, devoutly receiving, he offered unto the virgin so soon as she was consecrated. But she, deeming herself unworthy of a commendation so holy, said unto him: "Since this most excellent and powerful gift, descending from the Father of Light, is not sent unto me a sinner, I account it right that thou, on whom it has fallen, shouldst keep it or bestow it on another who is worthier than me." Then the saint, applauding the virgin's lowliness, placed the veil on her head, enjoining that she should wear it continually until she should be introduced unto the chamber of her heavenly Spouse. And the virgin obeyed the command of the saint, and, living a holy life, at length she rested in the Lord.