Acherontia Atropos, 24. Plates 8, 9, 11
Acosmetia caliginosa, 321
Acronyctinæ, 189
Acronycta aceris, 192, Plates 100, 102;
alni, 193, Plate 100;
auricoma, 196, Plates 102, 103;
euphorbiæ, 197, Plate 103;
leporina, 161, Plate 100;
megacephala, 193, Plates 100, 101;
menyanthidis, 196, Plate 103;
myricæ, 197, Plate 103;
psi, 195, Plates 100, 101;
rumicis, 198, Plates 102, 103;
strigosa, 194, Plate 100;
tridens, 195, Plates 100, 101
Agriopis aprilina, 290. Plate 141
Agrotis agathina, 214, Plate 107;
ashworthii, 216, Plate 110;
cinerea, 204, Plate 105;
comes, 230, Plates 115, 118
Agrotis corticea, 203, Plates 105, 109;
crassa, 217;
cursoria, 206, Plate 106;
exclamationis, 208, Plate 105;
fennica, 217;
hyperborea, 215, Plate 108;
lucernea, 213, Plate 107;
lunigera, 205, Plate 105;
nigricans, 207, Plate 106;
obelisca, 208, Plate 106;
obscura, 215, Plate 107;
orbona, 230, 231, Plates 115, 118;
præcox, 211, Plate 107;
pronuba, 232, Plates 115, 118;
puta, 204, Plate 104;
ripæ, 210, Plate 106;
saucia, 212, Plate 104;
segetum, 201, Plate 104;
simulans, 214, Plate 107;
spinifera, 217
Agrotis strigula, 210, Plates 107, 109;
subsequa, 231, Plate 115;
tritici, 207, Plate 106;
vestigialis, 202, Plate 104;
ypsilon, 209, Plate 104
Alder Kitten, 58. Plate 22
Alder Moth, 193. Plate 100
Amorpha populi, 20. Plates 4, 5
Amphipyra pyramidea, 323, Plate 154;
tragopogonis, 324, Plates 154, 156
Angle Shades, 291. Plate 141
Anomalous, 315. Plates 151, 152
Antennæ, 1, 3
Antler Moth, 256. Plate 127
Apamea basilinea, 272, Plate 132;
gemina, 272, Plate 131;
ophiogramma, 274, Plate 132;
pabulatricula, 273, Plate 132;
secalis, 274, Plate 132;
unanimis, 273, Plate 132
Aplecta advena, 237, Plate 117;
nebulosa, 238, Plate 119;
tincta, 237, Plate 117
Aporophyla australis, 284. Plate 137
Aporophyla lutulenta, 289, Plate 137;
nigra, 283, Plates 137, 139
Archer's Dart, 202. Plate 104
Arctiidæ, 7, 148
Arctia caia, 100, Plates 82, 84, 85;
villica, 162, Plates 86, 87
Arctiinæ, 148
Areas of Wings, 5
Arsilonche albovenosa, 199. Plate 130
Ascometia caliginosa, 321. Plate 153
Ashworth's Rustic, 216. Plate 110
Asphalia diluta, 91. Plate 39
Asteroscopus nubeculosa, 288, Plate 140;
sphinx, 288, Plate 138
Atolmis rubricollis, 173. Plates 92, 93
Autumnal Rustic, 218. Plate 119
Axylia putris, 219. Plate 132

Barathra brassicæ, 239. Plate 120
Barred Chestnut, 225. Plate 114
Barred Hook-tip, 135. Plates 70, 71
Barrett's Marbled Coronet, 247. Plate 123
"Beating," 14
Beautiful Arches, 260. Plate 121
Beautiful Brocade, 243. Plate 121
Beautiful Gothic, 267. Plates 127, 133
Bedstraw Hawk, 38. Plates 14, 15
Bird's Wing, 281. Plate 137
Black Arches, 105, Plates 46, 47
Black-banded, 287. Plates 139, 140
Black Collar, 221
Black Rustic, 283. Plates 137, 139
Blossom Underwing, 327. Plate 158
Bombycia viminalis, 263. Plate 125
Bond's Wainscot, 301. Plate 146
Bordered Gothic, 254. Plate 126
Brachionycha nubeculosa, 288, Plate 140;
sphinx, 288, Plate 138
Bright-Line Brown Eye, 241. Plates 120, 129
Brighton Wainscot, 302. Plate 146
Brindled Green, 261. Plates 122, 129
Brindled Ochre, 285. Plate 138
Bristle and Catch, 4
Broad-barred White, 254. Plate 125
Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-Moth, 53. Plates 20, 21
Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, 10, 233. Plates 116, 118
Broom Moth, 244. Plates 122, 129
Brown-Line Bright Eye, 313. Plate 150
Brown Rustic, 323. Plates 152, 153
Brown-tail, 99. Plates 42, 43, 44
Brown-veined Wainscot, 298. Plates 144, 148
Bryophila algæ, 201;
glandifera, 200, Plate 103;
perla, 200, Plate 103
Buff Arches, 85. Plate 36
Buff Ermine, 151. Plates 76, 77
Buff Footman, 180. Plates 96, 97
Buff-tip, 81. Plates 35, 37
Bulrush Wainscot, 297. Plates 144, 148
Burnets, 6
Butterbur, 295. Plate 143

Cabbage Moth, 239. Plate 120
Calamia lutosa, 303, Plate 145;
phragmitidis, 303, Plate 145
Callimorpha dominula, 166, Plates 88, 89;
quadripunctaria, 164, Plates 88, 89
Campion, 251. Plate 124
Caradrina alsines, 317, Plate 151;
ambigua, 318, Plate 151;
exigua, 319, Plates 151, 152;
morpheus, 310, Plate 151;
quadripunctata, 318, Plate 151;
superstes, 317;
taraxaci, 317, Plate 151
Catch and Bristle, 4
Caterpillar, 1
Celerio galii, 38. Plates 14, 15
Celæna haworthii, 269. Plate 128
Cerigo matura, 269. Plate 128
Cerura bicuspis, 58, Plate 22;
bifida, 59, Plates 22, 23;
furcula, 61, Plates 22, 23
Chabuata conigera, 313
Charæas graminis, 256. Plate 127
Chinese Character, 138. Plate 71
Chloephoridæ, 143
Chocolate-tip, 82. Plates 34, 35
Chærocampa celerio, 43, Plates 1, 16;
elpenor, 49, Plates 17, 19;
nerii, 45, Plates 1, 16;
porcellus, 48, Plates 18, 19
Chrysalis, 1
Cilix glaucata, 138. Plate 71
Cinnabar, 171. Plates 92, 93
Cirphis comma, 309, Plate 147;
311, Plate 149;
putrescens, 310, Plates 147, 148;
unipuncta, 310, Plate 149
Classification, 6
Clay, 312. Plates 150, 152
Clearwings, 6
Cloaked Minor, 277. Plate 134
Cloantha polyodon, 282
Clouded-Bordered Brindle, 278. Plates 130, 135
Clouded Brindle, 280. Plates 130, 135
Clouded Buff, 158. Plates 82, 83
Clouded Drab, 330. Plate 157
Coast Dart, 206. Plate 106
Cochliopodidæ, 6
Cœnobia rufa, 299. Plate 145
Cœnophila subrosea, 217. Plate 108
Comacla senex, 175. Plate 95
Common Footman, 182. Plates 96, 97
Common Quaker, 328. Plate 158
Common Rustic, 270. Plate 132
Common Wainscot, 304. Plates 147, 152
Concolorous, 301. Plate 146
Confused, 271. Plate 131
Convolvulus Hawk-Moth, 2, 28. Plates 9, 10, 11
Copper Underwing, 323. Plate 154
Coronet, 198. Plate 103
Coscinia cribrum, 168, Plates 90, 91;
striata, 167, Plate 90
Cosmopolitan, 311. Plate 149
Cosmotriche potatoria, 123. Plates 60, 61
Cossidæ, 6
Cossus ligniperda, 6
Costa, 5
Cousin German, 227. Plate 114
Coxcomb Moth, 11
Coxcomb Prominent, 77. Plates 32, 33
Craniophora ligustri, 198. Plate 103
Cream-Bordered Green Pea, 144. Plate 73
Cream-spot Tiger, 162. Plates 86, 87
Crescent, 293. Plate 143
Crescent Dart, 205. Plate 105
Crescent Striped, 270. Plate 131
Crimson Speckled Footman, 169. Plates 92, 94
Crymodes exulis, 262. Plate 123
Cybosia mesomella, 178. Plate 95
Cymbidæ, 7

Daphnis nerii, 45. Plates 1, 16
Dark Arches, 280. Plate 136
Dark Brocade, 260. Plate 121
Dark Dagger, 195. Plates 100, 101
Dark Sword Grass, 209. Plate 104
Dark Tussock, 97. Plates 40, 41, 42
Dasychira fascelina, 97, Plates 40, 41, 42;
pudibunda, 98, Plates 40, 41
Dasypolia templi, 285. Plate 138
Death's-Head Hawk Moth, 24. Plates 8, 9, 11
December Moth, 113. Plates 50, 53
Deep-brown Dart, 282. Plate 137
Deilephila euphorbiæ, 36, Plates 1, 14, 15;
galii, 38, Plates 14, 15;
livornica, 41, Plate 15
Deiopeia pulchella, 169. Plates 92, 94
Delicate, 311. Plate 149
Demas coryli, 190. Plates 100, 101
Dendrolimus pini, 106
Devonshire Wainscot, 310. Plates 147, 148
Dew Moth, 177. Plate 95
Diacrisia sanio, 158. Plates 82, 83
Dianthœcia albimacula, 249, Plate 124;
barrettii, 247, Plate 123;
capsophila, 251, Plate 124;
capsincola, 250, Plates 124, 130;
carpophaga, 251, Plate 124;
cæsia, 248, Plate 123;
compta, 250, Plate 124;
conspersa, 248, Plate 123;
cucubali, 251, Plate 124;
irregularis, 252, Plate 125;
luteago, 247, Plate 123
Diaphora mendica, 153. Plates 75, 78, 79
Dicranura vinula, 62. Plates 24, 25
Dilina tiliæ, 17. Plates 2, 3
Dingy Footman, 181. Plates 97, 98
Disc, 5
Diloba cæruleocephala, 265. Plates 127, 133
Diphtera orion, 189. Plates 100, 101
Dipterygia scabriuscula, 281. Plate 137
Dog's Tooth, 242. Plate 121
Dorsum, 5
Dot, 239. Plates 120, 129
Dotted Clay, 220. Plate 114
Dotted Footman, 187. Plates 98, 99
Dotted Rustic, 214. Plate 107
Double Dart, 218. Plates 110, 111
Double Line, 314. Plates 150, 152
Double Lobed, 274. Plate 132
Double-spot Brocade, 289. Plate 141
Double Square-spot, 223. Plate 113
Drepana binaria, 135. Plates 70, 71;
cultraria, 135, Plates 70, 71;
falcataria, 133, Plates 68, 69;
harpagula, 134, Plates 68, 69;
lacertinaria, 136, Plates, 69, 71
Drepanidæ, 132
Drinker, 8, 123. Plates 60, 61
Drymonia chaonia, 68, Plates 28, 29;
trimacula, 67, Plate 28
Dumeril's Luperina, 268
Dusky Brocade, 272. Plate 131
Dusky Marbled Brown, 66. Plate 28
Dusky Sallow, 263. Plate 126

Ear Moth, 294. Plate 143
Earias chlorana, 144. Plate 73
Egg, 1
Elephant, 49. Plates 17, 19
Emperor Moth, 131. Plates 66, 67
Endromididæ, 129
Endromis versicolor, 129. Plates 64, 65
Endrosa irrorella, 177. Plate 95
Epia irregularis, 252
Epicnaptera ilicifolia, 125. Plates 62, 63
Epineuronia popularis, 255. Plate 127
Epipsilia ashworthii, 216, Plate 110;
hyperborea, 215, Plate 108
Epunda lichenea, 285. Plates 133, 137
Eremobia ochroleuca, 263. Plate 126
Eriogaster lanestris, 114. Plates 50, 53
Eriopyga turca, 314. Plates 150, 152
Eumichtis adusta, 260, Plate 121;
protea, 261, Plate 122;
satura, 260, Plate 121
Eumorpha elpenor, 49. Plates 17, 19
Euplexia lucipara, 291. Plate 141
Euproctis chrysorrhœa, 99. Plates 42, 43
Euretagrotis agathina, 214. Plate 107
Eurois occulta, 236, Plate 117;
prasina, 235, Plate 117
Euxoa cinerea, 204, Plate 105;
corticea, 203, Plates 105, 109;
cursoria, 206, Plate 106;
lunigera, 205, Plate 105;
nigricans, 207, Plate 106;
obelisca, 208, Plate 106;
puta, 204, Plate 104;
segetum, 201, Plate 104;
tritici, 207, Plate 106;
vestigialis, 202, Plate 104
Eyed Hawk-moth, 14, 22. Plates 6, 7
Exarnis augur, 218. Plates 110, 111

Feathered Brindle, 284. Plate 137
Feathered Ear, 257. Plate 128
Feathered Footman, 167. Plate 90
Feathered Gothic, 255. Plate 127
Feathered Ranunculus, 285. Plates 133, 137
Feltia exclamationis, 208. Plate 104
Fen Wainscot, 303. Plate 145
Fenn's Wainscot, 308. Plates 144, 148
Field Work, 8
Figure of Eight Moth, 265. Plates 127, 133
Figure of Eighty, 88. Plate 36
Flame, 229. Plate 132
Flame Brocade, 290. Plate 141
Flame Shoulder, 228. Plates 110, 111
Flame Wainscot, 300. Plate 145
Flounced Rustic, 267. Plate 128
Footman Moths, 173. Plates 90-99
Four-dotted Footman, 178. Plate 95
Four-spotted Footman, 179. Plates 94, 95
Fox Moth, 121. Plates 58, 59
Frenulum, 4
Frosted Green, 93. Plates 38, 39
Frosted Orange, 295. Plate 144

Garden Dart, 207. Plate 106
Garden Tiger, 160. Plates 82, 84, 85
Gastropacha quercifolia, 126. Plates 62, 63
Geometridæ, 7
Gipsy, 103. Plate 46
Glaucous Shears, 245. Plate 122
Gluphisia crenata, 66. Plate 28
Goat-moth, 6
Gortyna micacea, 294, Plate 143;
nictitans, 294, Plate 143;
petasitis, 295, Plate 143
Gothic, 293. Plates 139, 142
Grammesia trigrammica, 314. Plate 151
Grass Eggar, 119. Plates 56, 57
Great Brocade, 236. Plate 117
Great Prominent, 74. Plates 30, 31
Green Arches, 235. Plate 117
Green-brindled Crescent, 289. Plate 141
Green Brindled Dot, 266. Plate 127
Green Silver Lines, 145. Plates 72, 73
Grey, 248. Plate 123
Grey Arches, 238. Plate 119
Grey Chi, 286. Plate 138
Grey Dagger, 192. Plates 100, 101
Ground Lackey, 109. Plates 48, 49

Habrosyne derasa, 85. Plate 36
Hadena adusta, 260;
protea, 261, Plate 122;
satura, 260
Hama abjecta, 270, Plate 131;
furva, 271, Plate 131;
sordida, 271, Plate 131
Hapalia præcox, 211. Plate 107
Hawk-Moths, 6, 17. Plates 1-21
Haworth's Minor, 269. Plate 128
Heart and Club, 203. Plates 105, 109
Heart and Dart, 208. Plate 105
Heath Rustic, 214. Plates 107, 109
Hebrew Character, 326. Plates 155, 156
Hecatera chrysozona, 253, Plate 125;
serena, 254, Plate 125
Hedge Rustic, 256. Plate 128
Heliophobus hispidus, 267. Plates 127, 133
Helotropha leucostigma, 293. Plate 143
Hemaris fuciformis, 53, Plates 20, 21;
tityus, 55, Plates 20, 21
Hepialidæ, 7
Heterogenea limacodes, 6
Heterocera, 1
Hippotion celerio, 43. Plates 1, 16
Hipocrita jacobææ, 171. Plates 92, 93
Hoary Footman, 185. Plates 98, 99
Hook-tips, 132
Humming-bird Hawk-moth, 51. Plate 21
Hydrilla palustris, 321. Plate 153
Hydrœcia micacea, 294, Plate 143;
nictitans, 294, Plate 143;
petasitis, 295, Plate 143
Hyles euphorbiæ, 36. Plates 1, 14, 15
Hyloicus pinastri, 34. Plates 11, 12
Hylophila bicolorana, 146, Plates 72, 73;
prasinana, 145, Plates 72, 73
Hyppa rectilinea, 265. Plate 126

Imago, 1
Ingrailed Clay, 224. Plates 112, 113
Iron Prominent, 72. Plates 30, 31

Jersey Tiger, 164. Plates 88, 89
Jugum, 4

Kent Black Arches, 141. Plate 73
Kentish Glory, 129. Plates 64, 65
Knot Grass, 198. Plates 102, 103

Lackey, 167. Plates 48, 49
Lælia cœnosa, 101. Plates 44, 45
Lappet, 126. Plates 62, 63
Large Dark Prominent, 73. Plate 31
Large Marbled Tortrix, 146. Plate 72
Large Nutmeg, 271. Plate 131
Large Ranunculus, 286. Plate 138
Large Wainscot, 303. Plate 145
Large Yellow Underwing, 232. Plates 115, 118
Lasiocampa quercus, 115, Plates 52, 54, 55;
trifolii, 119, Plates 56, 57
Lasiocampidæ, 106
Lead-coloured Drab, 326. Plate 157
Least Black Arches, 141. Plate 73
Least Minor, 277. Plate 134
Least Yellow Underwing, 234. Plate 116
Lesser Broad-border, 234. Plates 116, 118
Lesser Lutestring, 91. Plate 39
Lesser Satin Moth, 89. Plate 39
Lesser Swallow Prominent, 70. Plates 28, 29
Lesser Yellow Underwing, 230. Plates 115, 118
Leucania albipuncta, 312, Plate 149;
brevilinea, 308, Plates 144, 148;
comma, 309, Plate 147;
conigera, 313, Plate 150;
favicolor, 304, Plate 149;
impudens, 307, Plate 147;
impura, 305, Plate 147;
lithargyria, 312, Plates 150, 152;
littoralis, 308, Plates 150, 152;
loreyi, 311, Plate 149;
obsoleta, 307, Plate 147;
pallens, 304, Plates 147, 152;
putrescens, 310, Plates 147, 148;
turca, 314, Plates 150, 152;
straminea, 306, Plate 147;
unipuncta, 310, Plate 149;
vitellina, 311. Plate 149
Leucodonta bicoloria, 75. Plates 32, 33
Leucoma v-nigrum, 94
Light Arches, 279. Plate 135
Light Brocade, 241. Plate 121
Light Feathered Rustic, 204. Plate 105
Light Knot Grass, 196. Plate 103
Lime Hawk-moth, 17. Plates 2, 3
Lines of Wings, 5
Lithosia caniola, 185, Plates 98, 99;
complana, 183, Plates 96, 97;
deplana, 180, Plates 96, 97;
griseola, 181, Plates 97, 98;
lurideola, 182, Plates 96, 97;
lutarella, 184, Plate 99;
sericea, 184, Plate 97;
sororcula, 187, Plate 99
Lithosiinæ, 173
Lobster, 64. Plates 26, 27
Lophopteryx camelina, 77, Plates 32, 33;
cuculla, 76, Plates 32, 33
Lunar Marbled Brown, 68. Plates 28, 29
Lunar Yellow Underwing, 231. Plate 115
Luperina dumerilii, 268;
testacea, 267, Plate 128
Lychnis, 250. Plates 124, 130
Lycophotia ripæ, 210. Plate 106;
strigula, 210. Plates 107, 109
Lymantria dispar, 103, Plate 46;
monacha, 105, Plates 46, 47
Lymantriidæ, 94
Lyme Grass, 302. Plate 146

Macrogaster castaneæ, 6
Macro-lepidoptera, 6
Macroglossa stellatarum, 52. Plate 21
Macrothylacia rubi, 121. Plates 58, 59
Malacosoma neustria, 107, Plates 48, 49;
castrensis, 109, Plates 48, 49
Mamestra advena, 237, Plate 117;
albicolon, 240, Plate 120;
contigua, 243, Plate 121;
dentina, 246, Plate 122;
dissimilis, 242, Plate 121;
genistæ, 241, Plate 121;
glauca, 245, Plate 122;
nebulosa, 238, Plate 119;
oleracea, 241, Plates 120, 129;
peregrina, 246, Plate 122;
persicariæ, 239, Plates 120, 129;
pisi, 244, Plates 122, 129;
thalassina, 243, Plate 121;
tincta, 237, Plate 117;
trifolii, 245, Plate 122
Manduca atropos, 24. Plates 8, 9, 11
Maple Prominent, 76. Plates 32, 33
Marbled Beauty, 200. Plate 103
Marbled Brown, 67. Plate 28
Marbled Coronet, 248. Plate 123
Marbled Green, 200. Plate 103
Marbled Minor, 275. Plate 134
Marsh Dagger, 194. Plate 100
Marsh Moth, 321. Plate 153
Mathew's Wainscot, 304. Plate 149
Meliana flammea, 300. Plate 145
Mere Wainscot, 301. Plate 146
Merveille du jour, 290. Plate 141
Metopsilus porcellus, 48. Plates 18, 19
Miana bicoloria, 277, Plate 134;
fasciuncula, 275, Plate 134;
literosa, 276, Plate 134;
strigilis, 275, Plate 134
Micro-lepidoptera, 6
Micropterygidæ, 7
Middle-barred Minor, 275. Plate 134
Miller, 191. Plate 100
Miltochrista miniata, 176. Plate 95
Mimas tiliæ, 17. Plates 2, 3
Minor Shoulder-knot, 263. Plate 125
Miselia bimaculosa, 289, Plate 141;
oxyacanthæ, 289, Plate 141
Mormo maura, 292. Plate 142
Mottled Rustic, 316. Plate 151
Mouse, 324. Plates 154, 156
Muslin, 153. Plates 75, 78, 79
Muslin Footman, 174. Plates 94, 95

Nænia typica, 293. Plates 139, 142
Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk-moth, 55. Plates 20, 21
Neglected or Grey Rustic, 219. Plates 109, 110
Neuria reticulata, 254. Plate 126
Noctuidæ, 7, 189. Plates 100-159
Noctua augur, 218, Plates 110, 111;
baja, 220;
brunnea, 224, Plates 112, 113;
castanea, 219, Plates 109, 110;
c-nigrum, 221, Plate 110;
dahlii, 225, Plate 114;
depuncta, 220, Plate 110;
ditrapezium, 222, Plates 110, 111;
flammatra, 221;
glareosa, 218, Plate 110;
plecta, 228, Plates 110, 111;
primulæ, 224, Plates 112, 113;
rubi, 226, Plate 114;
sobrina, 227, Plate 114;
stigmatica, 223, Plate 113;
subrosea, 217, Plate 108;
triangulum, 223, Plate 113;
umbrosa, 227, Plate 114;
xanthographa, 228, Plates 112, 114
Nolidæ, 139. Plates 72, 73
Nola albula, 141, Plate 73;
centonalis, 142, Plate 73;
confusalis, 141, Plate 73;
cucullatella, 139, Plates 72, 73;
strigula, 140, Plate 73
Nonagria cannæ, 296, Plates 144, 148;
dissoluta, 298, Plates 144, 148;
geminipuncta, 297, Plates 144, 148;
sparganii, 296, Plates 144, 148;
typhæ, 297, Plates 144, 148
Notodonta dromedarius, 72, Plates 30, 31;
phœbe, 72, Plate 31;
torva, 73, Plate 31;
trepida, 74, Plates 30, 31;
tritophus, 72, 73, Plate 31;
ziczac, 70, Plates 30, 31
Northern Arches, 262. Plate 123
Northern Dart, 215. Plate 108
Northern Drab, 331. Plate 157
Northern Eggar, 116. Plate 54
Northern Footman, 184. Plate 97
Northern Rustic, 213. Plate 107
Notodontidæ, 56
Nudaria mundana, 174, Plates 94, 95
Nutmeg, 245. Plate 122
Nut-tree Tussock, 190. Plates 100, 101

Oak Eggar, 115. Plates 52, 55
Oak Hook-tip, 135. Plates 70, 71
Obscure Wainscot, 307. Plate 147
Ochria ochracea, 295. Plate 144
Ochropleura plecta, 228. Plates 110, 111
Odontosia carmelita, 78. Plates 32, 33
Œonestis quadra, 179. Plates 94, 95
Ogygia obscura, 215, Plate 107
Old Lady, 292. Plate 142
Oleander Hawk-moth, 45. Plates 1, 16
Orache Moth, 264. Plate 126
Orange Footman, 187. Plate 99
Orgyia antiqua, 96, Plates 40, 41;
gonostigma, 94, Plates 40, 41

Pachetra leucophæa, 257. Plate 128
Pachnobia Leucographa, 325, Plate 155;
rubricosa, 326, Plates 155, 159
Palæarctic Fauna, 7
Pale Footman, 181. Plate 97
Pale Mottled Willow, 318. Plate 151
Pale Oak Eggar, 111. Plates 50, 51
Pale Prominent, 80. Plates 32, 33
Pale-shouldered Brocade, 243. Plate 121
Pale Shining Brown, 237. Plate 117
Pale Tussock, 7, 98. Plates 40, 41
Palimpsestis duplaris, 89, Plate 39;
fluctuosa, 90, Plate 39;
octogessima, 88, Plate 36;
or, 88, Plate 36
Panolis griseo-variegata, 324. Plate 155;
piniperda, 324. Plate 155
Parasemia plantaginis, 157. Plates 80, 81
Peach Blossom, 86. Plates 36, 37
Pearly Underwing, 212. Plate 104
Pebble Hook-tip 133. Plates 68, 69
Pebble Prominent, 70. Plates 30, 31
Pelosia muscerda, 187. Plates 98, 99
Peridroma saucia, 212. Plate 104
Petilampa arcuosa, 320. Plate 134
Phalera bucephala, 81. Plates 35, 37
Pheosia tremula, 69, Plates 28, 29;
dictæoides, 70, Plates 28, 29
Phlogophora meticulosa, 291. Plate 141
Phothedes captiuncula, 277. Plate 134
Phragmatobia fuliginosa, 155. Plates 80, 81
Phryxus livornica, 41
Pigmy Footman, 184. Plate 99
Pine Beauty, 324. Plate 155
Pine Hawk, 34. Plates 11, 12
Plain Clay, 220. Plate 110
Plumed Prominent, 79. Plate 33
Pod-lover, 252. Plate 124
Pœcilocampa populi, 113. Plates 50, 53
Polia chi, 286, Plate 138;
flavicincta, 286, Plate 138;
xanthomista, 287, Plates 139, 140
Polyploca flavicornis, 92, Plates 38, 39;
ridens, 93, Plates 38, 39
Poplar Grey, 193. Plates 100, 101
Poplar Hawk-moth, 20. Plates 4, 5
Poplar Kitten, 59. Plates 22, 23
Poplar Lutestring, 88. Plate 36
Porthesia similis, 100. Plates 42, 43
Portland Moth, 211. Plate 107
Powdered Quaker, 331. Plate 158
Powdered Wainscot, 199. Plate 103
Proboscis, 2
Privet Hawk, 15, 33. Plates 12, 13
Prodenia littoralis, 264
Prominents, 56
Psychina, 7
Pterostoma palpina, 80. Plates 32, 33
Ptilophora plumigera, 79, Plate 33
Pupa-digging, 16
Purple Clay, 11, 224. Plates 112, 113
Purple Cloud, 282. Plate 137
Puss Moth, 62. Plates 24, 25
Pygæra anachoreta, 83, Plate 35;
curtula, 82, Plates 34, 35;
pigra, 84, Plates 34, 35
Pyralidina, 7

Rannoch Sprawler, 288. Plate 140
Red Chestnut, 326. Plates 155, 159
Reed Tussock, 101. Plates 44, 45
Re"d Wainscot, 296. Plates 144, 148
Reddish Buff, 321. Plate 153
Red"ish Light Arches, 279. Plate 135
Red-necked Footman, 173. Plates 92, 93
Retinaculum, 4
Rosy Footman, 176. Plate 95
Ro"y Marsh Moth, 217. Plate 108
Ro"y Minor, 276. Plate 134
Ro"y Rustic, 294. Plate 143
Round-winged Muslin, 175. Plate 95
Ruby Tiger, 155. Plates 80, 81
Rusina tenebrosa, 322. Plate 153
Rustic, 317. Plate 151
Rus"ic Shoulder-knot 272. Plate 134

Sallow Kitten, 61. Plates 22, 23
Sand Dart, 210. Plate 106
Sarrothripinæ, 146
Sarrothripa revayana, 146. Plate 72
Satin Carpet, 90. Plate 39
Saturnia pavonia, 131. Plates 66, 67
Saxon, 265. Plate 126
Scalloped Hook-tip, 136. Plates 69, 71
Scarce Black Arches, 142. Plate 73
Sca"ce Chocolate-tip, 83. Plate 35
Sca"ce Dagger, 196. Plates 102, 103
Sca"ce Footman, 183. Plates 96, 97
Sca"ce Hook-tip, 134. Plates 68, 69
Sca"ce Merveille du jour, 9, 189. Plates 100, 101
Sca"ce Prominent, 78. Plates 32, 33
Sca"ce Silver Lines, 146. Plates 72, 73
Sca"ce Vapourer, 94. Plates 40, 41
Scarlet Tiger, 166. Plates 88, 89
Segetia xanthographa, 228. Plates 112, 114
Senta maritima, 299. Plate 145
Sesiidæ, 6
Setaceous Hebrew Character, 221 Plate 110
Shears, 246. Plate 122
Shore Wainscot, 308. Plates 150, 152
Short-cloaked Moth, 139. Plates 72, 73
Shoulder-striped Wainscot, 309. Plate 147
Shuttle-shaped Dart, 204. Plate 104
Sideridis albipuncta, 312, Plate 149;
lithargyria, 312, Plates 150, 152;
vitellina, 311, Plate 149
Silky Wainscot, 299. Plate 145
Silver Cloud, 258. Plate 128
Silvery Arches, 237. Plate 117
Silver-striped Hawk, 48. Plates 1, 16
Six-striped Rustic, 227. Plate 114
Slender Bridle, 281. Plate 135
Small Angle Shades, 291. Plate 141
Sm"ll Black Arches, 140. Plate 73
Sm"ll Chocolate-tip, 84. Plates 34, 35
Sm"ll Clouded Brindle, 273. Plate 132
Sm"ll Dotted Buff, 320. Plate 134
Sm"ll Eggar, 114. Plates 50, 53
Sm"ll Elephant, 48. Plates 18, 19
Sm"ll Lappet, 125. Plates 62, 63
Sm"ll Mottled Willow, 319. Plates 151, 152
Sm"ll Quaker, 328. Plates 158, 159
Sm"ll Ranunculus, 253. Plate 125
Sm"ll Rufous, 299. Plate 145
Sm"ll Square Spot, 226. Plate 114
Sm"ll Wainscot, 300. Plate 145
Smerinthus ocellatus, 22, Plates 6, 7;
populi, 20, Plates 4, 5
Smoky Wainscot, 305. Plate 147
Southern Wainscot, 306. Plate 147
Speckled Footman, 168. Plates 90, 91
Sphingidæ, 6, 17
Sphinx convolvuli, 28, Plates 9, 10, 11;
ligustri, 33, Plates 12, 13
Spilosoma lubricipeda, 151, Plates 76, 77;
menthastri, 149, Plates 74, 75, 78;
urticæ, 150, Plate 75
Sprawler, 288. Plate 138
Spurge Hawk, 36. Plates 1, 14, 15
Square-spot Dart, 208. Plate 106
Sq"are-s"ot Rustic, 228. Plates 112, 114
Square-spotted Clay, 223. Plate 113
Stauropus fagi, 64. Plates 26, 27
Stigmata, 5, 6
Stilbia anomala, 315. Plates 151, 152
Stilpnotia salicis, 112. Plates 43, 44
Stout Dart, 215. Plate 107
Stranger, 246. Plate 122
Straw Underwing, 269. Plate 128
Striped Hawk, 41. Plate 15
Striped Wainscot, 307. Plate 147
"Sugaring," 11
Swallow Prominent, 69. Plates 28, 29
Sweet-gale Moth, 197. Plate 103
Swifts, 4, 7
Sycamore, 192. Plates 100, 102
Synia musculosa, 302. Plate 146

Tapinostola bondii, 301, Plate 146;
elymi, 302, Plate 146;
extrema, 301, Plate, 146;
fulva, 300, Plate 145;
hellmanni, 301, Plate 146
Tawny Shears, 251. Plate 124
Tholera cespitis, 256. Plate 128
Three Humped, 72. Plate 31
Thyatiridæ, 85
Thyatira batis, 86. Plates 36, 37
Tiger Moths, 148
Tæniocampa gothica, 326, Plate 155;
gracilis, 331, Plate 158;
incerta, 330, Plate 157;
miniosa, 327, Plate 158;
munda, 330, Plates 158, 159;
opima, 331, Plate 157;
populeti, 329, Plate 157;
pulverulenta, 328, Plates 158, 159;
stabilis, 328, Plate 158
Tongue, 2
Tortricina, 7
Trachea atriplicis, 264. Plate 126
Treble Lines, 314. Plate 151
Tree-lichen Beauty, 201
Trichiura cratægi, 111. Plates 50, 51
Trigonophora flammea, 290. Plate 141
Trifinæ, 201
Triphæna comes, 230, Plates 115, 118;
fimbria, 233, Plates 116, 118;
ianthina, 234, Plates 116, 118;
interjecta, 234, Plate 116;
orbona, 230, 231, Plates 115, 118;
pronuba, 232, Plates 115, 118;
subsequa, 231, Plate 115
Triple-spotted Clay, 222. Plates 110, 111
True Lover's Knot, 210. Plate 107
Trypanus cossus, 6
Trypanidæ, 6
Turnip Moth, 201. Plate 104
Tussock Moths, 94
Twin-spotted, 297. Plates 114, 148
Twin-"potted Quaker, 330. Plates 158, 159

Uncertain, 317. Plate 151
Union Rustic, 273. Plate 132

Valeria oleagina, 266. Plate 127
Vapourer, 96. Plates 40, 41
Varied Coronet, 250. Plate 124
Vine's Rustic, 318. Plate 151
Viper's Bugloss, 252. Plate 125

Water Ermine, 150. Plate 75
Webb's Wainscot, 296. Plates 144, 148
White Colon, 240. Plate 120
Wh"te Ermine, 149. Plates 74, 75, 78
White-line Dart, 207. Plate 106
White-marked, 325. Plate 155
White-point, 312. Plate 149
White Prominent, 75. Plates 32, 33
Wh"te Satin Moth, 102. Plates 43, 44
Wh"te Speck or American Wainscot, 310. Plate 149
Wh"te Spot, 249. Plate 124
Wings, 3
Wing Areas and Lines, 4;
cells, 6
Wood Tiger, 157. Plates 80, 81

Xylomania conspicillaris, 258. Plate 128
Xylophasia hepatica, 280, Plates 130, 135;
lithoxylea, 279, Plate 135;
monoglypha, 280, Plate 136;
rurea, 278, Plates 130, 135;
scolopacina, 281, Plate 135;
sublustris, 279, Plate 135;
zollikoferi, 279, Plate 153
Yellow Horned, 92. Plates 38, 39
Yellow-tail, 100. Plates 42, 43
Yoke, 4

Zeuzera pyrina, 6
Zygænidæ, 6

MOTHS.—Series I.

For Sphinx convolvuli read Herse (Sphinx) convolvuli
" Arsilonche albovenosa " Simyra (Arsilonche) albovenosa
" Bryophila glandifera " Bryophila muralis (glandifera)
" Agrotis (Hapalia) præcox " Agrotis (Lycophotia) præcox
" Agrotis (Peridroma) saucia " Agrotis (Lycophotia) saucia
" Agrotis (Spaelotis) lucernea " Agrotis (Episilia) lucernea
" Agrotis (Pachnobia) simulans " Agrotis (Episilia) simulans
" Agrotis (Ogygia) obscura " Agrotis ravida (obscura)
" Noctua sobrina " Noctua (Mythimna) sobrina
" Epineuronia popularis " Tholera (Epineuronia) popularis
" Charæas graminis " Cerapteryx (Charæas) graminis
" Hyppa rectilinea " Lithomoea (Hyppa) rectilinea
" Hama abjecta " Hama oblonga (abjecta)
" Apamea gemina " Apamea obscura (gemina)
" Trigonophora flammea " Rhizotype flammea
" Mormo maura " Mania maura
" Nonagria cannæ " Nonagria algæ (cannæ)
" Synia musculosa " Oria (Synia) musculosa
" Grammesia trigrammica " Meristis (Grammesia) trigrammica
" Caradrina exigua " Laphygma exigua


abjecta (Hama), 270
aceris (Acronycta), 192
Acronyctinæ, 189
adusta (Eumichtis), 260
advena (Aplecta), 237
æstiva (Drepana), 136
æthops (Miana), 275
agathina (Agrotis), 214
albicolon (Mamestra), 240
albida (Arsilonche), 199
albimacula (Dianthœcia), 249
albipuncta (Leucania), 312
algæ (Bryophila), 201
algæ (Nonagria), 296
albovenosa (Arsilonche), 199
albula (Nola), 141
alni (Acronycta), 193
alopecurus (Xylophasia), 278
alpinum (Diphtera), 190
alsines (Caradrina), 317
ambigua (Caradrina), 318
anachoreta (Pygæra), 82, 83
anceps (Hama), 271
anomola (Stilbia), 315
antiqua (Orgyia), 96
approximans (Meristis), 315
aprilina (Agriopis), 294
aqulina (Agrotis), 207
Arctiidæ, 148
arcuosa (Petilampa), 320
argentea (Palimpsestis), 90
argillacea (Dianthœcia), 241
ariæ (Trichiura), 113
arundineta (Nonagria), 298
ashworthii (Agrotis), 216
assimilis (Crymodes), 262
atriplicis (Trachea), 264
atropos (Acherontia), 24
augur (Noctua), 218
auricoma (Acronycta), 196
australis (Aporophyla), 284

baja (Noctua), 220
barrettii (Dianthœcia), 247
basilinea (Trachea), 272
batis (Thyatira), 86
bicolorana (Hylophila), 146
bicoloria (Leucodonta), 75
bicoloria (Miana), 277
bicuspis (Cerura), 58
bidens (Acronycta), 196
bifida (Cerura), 59
bilinea (Meristis), 315
bimaculosa (Miselia), 289
binaria (Drepana), 135
bipunctata (Senta), 299
bombyliformis (Hemaris), 55
bondii (Tapinostola), 301
borealis (Phragmatobia), 155
bradyporina (Acronycta), 191
brassicæ (Barathra), 239
brevilinea (Leucania), 308
brunnea (Noctua), 224
bucephala (Phalera), 81

cæruleocephala (Diloba), 265
caia (Arctia), 160
caliginosa (Acosmetia), 321
callunæ (Lasiocampa), 116
camelina (Lophopteryx), 77
cana (Miana), 276
candelarum (Agrotis), 216
candelisequa (Acronycta), 192
candida (Stilpnotia), 103
caniola (Lithosia), 185
cannæ (Nonagria), 296
capsincola (Dianthœcia), 250
capsophila (Dianthœcia), 251
captiuncula (Phothedes), 277
capucina (Miselia), 289
carmelita (Odentosia), 78
carpophaga (Dianthœcia), 251
castanea (Noctua), 219
celerio (Chærocampa), 43
celerio (Hippotion), 43
centonalis (Nola), 142
cespitis (Tholera), 256
chaonia (Drymonia), 68
characterea (Xylophasia), 280
chi (Polia), 286
Chlöephoridæ, 143
chlorana (Earias), 144
chrysorrhœa (Euproctis), 99
chrysozona (Hecatera), 253
cinerea (Agrotis), 204
c-nigrum (Noctua), 221
cœnosa (Lælia), 101
combusta (Xylophasia), 278
comes (Triphæna), 230
comma (Leucania), 309
complana (Lithosia), 183
compta (Dianthœcia), 250
conflua (Noctua), 224
confusalis (Nola), 141
conigera (Leucania), 313
connexa (Apamea), 273
consequa (Triphæna), 231
conspersa (Dianthœcia), 248
conspicilaris (Xylomania), 258
contigua (Mamestra), 243
convolvuli (Herse), 28
convolvuli (Sphinx), 28
corticea (Agrotis), 203, 209
coryli (Demas), 190
cratægi (Trichiura), 112
crenata (Chaonia), 66
crenata (Gluphisia), 66
cribrum (Coscinia), 168
crinanensis (Hydrœcia), App.
cucubali (Dianthœcia), 251
cuculla (Lophopteryx), 76
cucullatella (Nola), 139
cultraria (Drepana), 135
cursoria (Agrotis), 206
curtisii (Triphæna), 231
curtula (Pygæra), 82, 84
Cymatophoridæ, 85

dahlii (Noctua), 225
dentina (Mamestra), 246
deplana (Lithosia), 180
depuncta (Noctua), 220
derasa (Habrosyne), 85
deschangei (Spilosoma), 152
desillii (Agrotis), 210
dictæoides (Pheosia), 70
didyma (Apamea), 274
diluta (Asphalia), 91
dimidiata (Pheosia), 70
dispar (Lymantria), 103
dissimilis (Mamestra), 242
dissoluta (Nonagria), 297
ditrapezium (Noctua), 222
dodonides (Drymonia), 68
dominula (Callimorpha), 166
Drepanidæ, 131
dromedarius (Notodonta), 70
dumerilli (Luperina), 268
duplaris (Palimpsestis), 89

eboraci (Spilosoma), 152
ectypa (Leucania), 304
edda (Noctua), 219
elpenor (Chærocampa), 49
elpenor (Eumorpha), 49
elpenorcellus (Metopsilus), 48
elymi (Tapinostola), 302
Endromididæ, 129
eremita (Lymantria), 105
erythrostigma (Hydrœcia), 294
euphorbiæ (Acronycta), 197
euphorbiæ (Deilephila), 36
euphorbiæ (Hyles), 36
exclamationis (Agrotis), 208
exigua (Laphygma), 319
extrema (Tapinostola), 301
exulis (Crymodes), 262

fagi (Stauropus), 64
falcataria (Drepana), 133
familiaris (Lasiocampa), 116
fascelina (Dasychira), 97
fasciata (Macrothylacia), 121
fasciata (Spilosoma), 152
fasciuncula (Miana), 275
fasciuncula (Oligia), 275
favicolor (Leucania), 304
festiva (Noctua), 224
fibrosa (Helotropha), 293
ficklini (Dianthœcia), 247
fimbria (Triphæna), 233
finmarchia (Polyploca), 92
flammea (Meliana), 300
flammea (Rhizotype), 290
flammatra (Noctua), 221
flava (Lithosia), 181
flavago (Ochria), 295
flavicincta (Polia), 286
flavicornis (Polyploca), 192
flavida (Arsilonche), 199
fluctuosa (Palimpsestis), 90
fraterna (Nonagria), 297
fuciformis (Hemaris), 53
fuliginosa (Phragmatobia), 155
fulva (Tapinostola), 300
furcula (Cerura), 61
furuncula (Miana), 277
furva (Hama), 271

gælica (Palimpsestis), 89
galii (Celerio), 38
galii (Deilephila), 38
gemina (Apamea), 272
geminipuncta (Nonagria), 297
genistæ (Mamestra), 241
glandifera (Bryophila), 200
glareosa (Noctua), 218
glauca (Mamestra), 245
glaucata (Cilix), 138
gonostigma (Orgyia), 94
gothica (Tæniocampa), 326
gothicina (Tæniocampa), 326
gracillis (Tæniocampa), 331
graminis (Cerapteryx), 256
graminis (Charæas), 256
griseo-variegata (Panolis), 324
griseola (Lithosia), 181
gueneei (Luperina), 268

harpagula (Drepana), 134
haworthii (Celæna), 269
hebridicola (Agrotis), 214
hellmanni (Tapinostola), 301
helvetina (Agrotis), 218
hepatica (Xylophasia), 280
hera (Callimorpha), 164
hethlandica (Dianthœcia), 249
hibernica (Celæna), 270
hibernicus (Cerapteryx), 257
hispidus (Heliophobus), 267
hœgei (Gastropacha), 127
hospita (Parasemia), 157
hybridus (Smerinthus), 22
hyperborea (Agrotis), 215
Hypsidæ, 167

ianthina (Triphæna), 234
ilicanus (Sarrothripa), 147
ilicifolia (Epicnaptera), 125
immaculata (Tæniocampa), 330
impar (Bryophila), 200
impudens (Leucania), 307
impura (Leucania), 305
incerta (Tæniocampa), 330
infuscata (Acronycta), 192
infuscata (Xylophasia), 280
innuba (Triphæna), 232
interjecta (Triphæna), 234
intermedia (Celerio), 41
inversa (Smerinthus), 22
irregularis (Dianthœcia, 252
irrorella (Endrosa), 177

jacobææ (Hipocrita), 171

l-album (Arctornis), 94
lacertinaria (Drepana), 136
lacteola (Lithosia), 185
lanestris (Eriogaster), 114
lapponica (Pterostoma), 80
Lasiocampidæ, 106
latruncula (Miana), 275
leucographa (Pachnobia), 325
leuconota (Hecatera), 254
leucophæa (Pachetra), 257
leucostigma (Helotropha), 293
lichenea (Epunda), 285
ligustri (Craniophora), 198
ligustri (Sphinx), 33
lineata (Deilephila), 41
literosa (Miana), 276
lithargyria (Leucania), 312
Lithosiinæ, 173
lithoxylea (Xylophasia), 279
littoralis (Leucania), 308
littoralis (Prodenia), 264
livornica (Deilephila), 41
livornica (Phryxus), 41
loreyi (Leucania), 311
lubricipeda (Spilosoma), 151
lucernea (Agrotis), 213
lucipara (Euplexia), 291
luneburgensis (Aporophyla), 282
lunigera (Agrotis), 205
lurideola (Lithosia), 182
luteago (Dianthœcia), 247
lutescens (Callimorpha), 164
lutulenta (Aporophyla), 282
Lymantriidæ, 94

maillardi (Crymodes), 262
margaritosa (Agrotis), 212
marginata (Lasiocampa), 116
maritima (Senta), 299
matura (Cerigo), 269
maura (Mania), 292
megacephala (Acronycta), 193
melaleuca (Xylomania), 259
melanocephala (Acronycta), 191
mendica (Diaphora), 153
menthastri (Spilosoma), 149
menyanthidis (Acronycta), 196
mesomella (Cybosia), 178
meticulosa (Phlogophora), 291
micacea (Hydrœcia), 294
miniata (Miltochrista), 176
miniosa (Tæniocampa), 327
molybdeola (Lithosia), 184
monacha (Lymantria), 105
monoglypha (Xylophasia), 280
montivaga (Acronycta), 197
mori (Bombyx), 106
morpheus (Caradrina), 316
morrisii (Petilampa), 320
munda (Tæniocampa), 330
mundana (Nudaria), 174
muralis (Bryophila), 200
muscerda (Pelosia), 187
musculosa (Oria), 302
myricæ (Acronycta), 197

nana (Tæniocampa), 328
nebeculosa (Brachionycha), 288
nebulosa (Aplecta), 238
neglecta (Noctua), 219
nerii (Daphnis), 45
nerii (Chærocampa), 45
neurica (Nonagria), 298
neustria (Malacosoma), 107, 111
nictitans (Hydrœcia), 294
nigra (Aporophyla), 282
nigricans (Agrotis), 207
nigricans (Nonagria), 297
nigristriata (Senta), 299
nigrocincta (Polia), 287
nigrocostata (Senta), 299
Noctuidæ, 189
Nolidæ, 139
Notodontidæ, 56
nubilata (Asphalia), 91

obelisca (Agrotis), 208
oblonga (Hama), 270
obscura (Apamea), 272
obscura (Bombycia), 263
obsoleta (Leucania), 307
occulta (Euoris), 236
ocellatus (Smerinthus), 22
ochrea (Dianthœcia), 249
ochreola (Lithosia), 180
ochroleuca (Eremobia), 263
octogessima (Palimpsestis), 88, 89
oculea (Apamea), 274
oleagina (Valeria), 266
oleracea (Mamestra), 241
olivacea (Lasiocampa), 116
olivacea (Polia), 286
olivaceo-fasciata (Lasiocampa), 126
ophiogramma (Apamea), 274
opima (Tæniocampa), 320
or (Palimpsestis), 88
orbona (Triphæna), 230
orion (Diphtera), 189
oxyacanthæ (Miselia), 289

pabulatricula (Apamea), 273
pallens (Leucania), 304
pallida (Aplecta), 238
pallida (Trichiura), 112
palpina (Pterostoma), 80
paludis (Hydrœcia), 294
palustris (Hydrilla), 321
papyrata (Spilosoma), 150
pascuea (Aporophyla), 284
passetii (Eurois), 236
pavonia (Saturnia), 131
peregrina (Mamestra), 246
perfusca (Noctua), 226
perla (Bryophila), 200
persicariæ (Mamestra), 239
petasitis (Hydrœcia), 295
phœbe (Notodonta), 72
phragmitidis (Calamia), 303
pigra (Pygæra), 84
pinastri (Hyloicus), 34
pini (Dendrolimus), 106
pini (Eutricha), 106
piniperda (Panolis), 324
pisi (Mamestra), 244
plaga (Agrotis), 209
plantaginis (Parasemia), 157
plecta (Noctua), 228
plumigera (Ptilophora), 79
polyodon (Cloantha), 282
Polyplocidæ, 95
popularis (Tholera), 255
populeti (Tæniocampa), 329
populi (Amorpha), 20
populi (Pœcilocampa), 113
populi (Smerinthus), 20, 22
porcellus (Chærocampa), 48
porcellus (Metopsilus), 48
potatoria (Cosmotriche), 123
præcox (Agrotis), 211
prasina (Euoris), 235
prasinana (Hylophila), 145
primulæ (Noctua), 224
pronuba (Triphæna), 232
protea (Eumichtis), 264
psi (Acronycta), 195
pudibunda (Dasychira), 98
pudorina (Leucania), 307
pulchella (Deiopeia), 169
pulverulenta (Tæniocampa), 328
punctina (Leucania), 306
puta (Agrotis), 204
putrescens (Leucania), 310
putris (Axylia), 229
pygmæola (Lithosia), 184, 185
pyramidea (Amphipyra), 323

quadra (Œonestis), 179
quadripunctaria (Callimorpha), 164
quadripunctata (Caradrina), 318
quercifolia (Gastropacha), 126
quercus (Lasiocampa), 115

radiata (Spilosoma), 152
radiola (Agrotis), 205
ramosana (Sarrothripa), 147
ravida (Agrotis), 215
rectilinea (Hyppa), 265
remissa (Apamea), 272
renigera (Agrotis), 213
reticulata (Neuria), 254
revayana (Sarrothripa), 144, 146
rhomboidea (Noctua), 223
ridens (Polyploca), 93
ripæ (Agrotis), 210
roboris (Aplecta), 238
roboris (Lasiocampa), 116
rosea (Agrotis), 214, 218
rossica (Callimorpha), 166
rubi (Macrothylacia), 121
rubi (Noctua), 226
rubricollis (Atolmis), 173
rubricosa (Pachnobia), 326
rufa (Cœnobia), 299
rufa (Tæniocampa), 326
rufescens (Tæniocampa), 332
rumicis (Acronycta), 198
runica (Diphtera), 190
rurea (Xylophasia), 278
russula (Diacrisia), 158
rustica (Diaphora), 153

salicis (Acronycta), 198
salicis (Stilpnotia), 102
sanio (Diacrisia), 158
Sarrothripinæ, 146
satura (Eumichtis), 260
Saturniidæ, 131
saucia (Agrotis), 212
scabriuncula (Dipterygia), 281
schaufussi (Malacosoma), 111
scincula (Drepana), 137
scolopacina (Xylophasia), 281
scotica (Acronycta), 196
scotica (Palimpsestis), 89
scotica (Polyploca), 92
secalis (Apamea), 274
sedi (Aporophyla), 283
segetum (Agrotis), 201 (segetis)
semivirga (Acronycta), 191
semivirgata (Hyppa), 265
senex (Comacla), 175
serena (Hecatera), 254
sericea (Lithosia), 184
sexstrigata (Noctua), 227 (umbrosa)
signata (Endrosa), 177
similis (Porthesia), 100
simulans (Agrotis), 214
sinelinea (Leucania), 308
sobrina (Noctua), 227
sororcula (Lithosia), 187
sparganii (Nonagria), 296
Sphingidæ, 17
sphinx (Brachionycha), 288
spinula (Cilix), 132
stabilis (Tæniocampa), 328
steinerti (Acronycta), 193
stellatarum (Macroglossa), 52
stigmatica (Noctua), 223
straminea (Leucania), 181
striata (Coscina), 167
strigilis (Miana), 274
strigosa (Acronycta), 194
strigula (Agrotis), 210
strigula (Nola), 140
suasa (Mamestra), 242
subfusca (Noctua), 203
subsequa (Triphæna), 231
sublustris (Xylophasia), 278
subrosea (Noctua), 217
suffusa (Polia), 286
sundevalli (Craniophora), 199
superstes (Caradrina), 317

taraxaci (Caradrina), 317
tenebrosa (Rusina), 322
templi (Dasypolia), 285
testacea (Luperina), 267
thalassina (Mamestra), 243
thompsoni (Aplecta), 238
thulei (Noctua), 224
Thyatiridæ, 85
tincta (Aplecta), 236
tiliæ (Dilina), 17
tiliæ (Mimas), 17
tityus (Hemaris), 55
torva (Notodonta), 73
tragopogonis (Amphipyra), 324
tremula (Pheosia), 69
trepida (Notodonta), 74
triangulum (Noctua), 223
tricuspis (Cerapteryx), 256
tridens (Acronycta), 195
trifolii (Lasiocampa), 119
trifolii (Mamestra), 245
trifolii (Pachygastria), 107
trigrammica (Meristis), 314
trimacula (Drymonia), 67
tritici (Agrotis), 207, 208
tritophus (Notodonta), 72, 73
trux (Agrotis), 205
turca (Leucania), 314
typhæ (Nonagria), 297
typica (Nænia), 293

ulmifolia (Gastropacha), 126
umbrosa (Noctua), 227
unanimis (Apamea), 273
unicolor (Lithosia), 180
unipuncta (Leucania), 310
urticæ (Spilosoma), 150

variegata (Ptilophora), 79
versicolor (Endromis), 129
vestigialis (Agrotis), 202
villica (Arctia), 162
viminalis (Bombycia), 263
vinula (Dicranura), 62
vitellina (Leucania), 311
v-nigrum (Leucoma), 94

walkeri (Spilosoma), 149
wismarensis (Senta), 299
w-latinum (Mamestra), 241

xanthographa (Noctua), 228
xanthomista (Polia), 287

ypsilon (Agrotis), 209

zatima (Spilosoma), 152
ziczac (Notodonta), 70
zollikoferi (Xylophasia), 279