The Nestorians and their Rituals/Volume 1/List of Engravings
VOL. I. | ||
PAGE | ||
Portrait of Sheikh Nasir | to face the title | |
Tomb at Amâsia | 19 | |
Sepulchral Monument of Henry Martyn | 26 | |
Three Inscriptions at Diarbekir | 39 | |
View of Mardeen | 48 | |
Christian Females of Midyât | to face | 55 |
Inscription at Nisbeen | 67 | |
Mosul from the Eastern Bank of the Tigris | to face | 77 |
The Author's House at Mosul | to face | 79 |
View of Nimrood | 86 | |
Cuneiform Inscription at Nimrood | 88 | |
Ground plans of the Syrian Church of Mar Behnâm and Mar Mattai | to face | 95 |
Syrian Convent of Mar Mattai | to face | 97 |
Convent of Rabban Hormuzd | to face | 102 |
Sheikh Adi from the South | to face | 105 |
Front of the Enclosure facing the Temple of Sheikh Adi | to face | 106 |
Front of the Temple of Sheikh Adi | to face | 107 |
Yezeedee Shaks | 107 | |
Ground plan of the Temple of Sheikh Adi | to face | 108 |
The Melek Taoos of the Yezeedees | 124 | |
Bird from one of the Slabs at Nimrod | 127 | |
Plan of an Excavation at Amedia | 204 | |
Nestorian House in the Tyari | 216 | |
Plan of the Church of Mar Gheorghees at Asheetha | 226 | |
Plan of Mar Gheorghees at Leezan | 227 | |
Citadel of Urfah | 321 | |
Syriac Inscription at Urfah | 323 | |
Sepulchral Cave at Urfah | 327 | |
Hadji's House at Urfah | 328 | |
Headdress of Christian Females at Urfah | 329 | |
Ruins of Harrân | 342 | |
Jacob's Well at Harrân | to face | 344 |
Bas-relief in the Castle of Birejik | to face | 351 |
Ancient Sculptures found in the Castle of Birejik | to face | 352 |
Maps showing Mr. Badger's Route | at end of vol. | |
VOL. II. | ||
Portrait of Mar Shamoon | to face the title | |
Eastern end of the Church of Et-Tâhara | to face | 20 |
Western end of the Church of Et-Tâhara | to face | 21 |