The New International Encyclopædia/Adams, Herbert Baxter

Edition of 1905. See also Herbert Baxter Adams on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

952681The New International Encyclopædia — Adams, Herbert Baxter

ADAMS, Herbert Baxter (1850-1901). An American educator and historian. He was born at Amherst, Mass., and educated at Amherst College. He took his doctor's degree at Heidelberg and then became connected with the Johns Hopkins University at its inception in 1870. He was made associate professor of history in 1883 and professor in 1891. Owing to ill health, he resigned in 1901. He edited the valuable Johns Hopkins Studies in History and Political Science from the beginning, and an important series of monographs on American educational history published by the United States Bureau of Education. Among his many monographs may he cited: The Germanic Origin of the New England Towns, Maryland's Influence Upon Land Cessions to the United States, and Thomas Jefferson and the University of Virginia. His most important work is The Life and Writings of Jared Sparks (2 volumes, 1893). Dr. Adams's influence upon historical studies in America, especially through the numerous pupils whom he trained, was very beneficial. He took great interest in university extension, and in the work of the American Historical Association, of which he was secretary from its founding in 1884 until 1900, when he resigned and was made first vice-president.