The New International Encyclopædia/Aristobulus II

Edition of 1905. See also Aristobulus II on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

2828534The New International Encyclopædia — Aristobulus II

ARISTOBULUS II. (? -B.C. 49). Son of Alexander Jannæus (brother of Aristobulus 1.) and Salome Alexandra (widow of Aristobulus 1.), who succeeded in grasping the high-priestship and the royal authority from his elder brother, Hyreanus II., to whom both belonged. Aristobulus maintained himself from B.C. 69 to B.C. 63, when Hyeranus appealed to Pompey. After many intrigues and changes of front Pompey finally took sides against Aristobulus, and, after reducing the extent of the Jewish possessions, placed Hyeranus in charge as high-priest, without the title of king. Aristobulus was taken as a prisoner of war to Rome. He was released by Cæsar, but was poisoned by adherents of Pompey, and died in B.C. 49.