The New International Encyclopædia/Augusta (German Empress)

Edition of 1905. See also Augusta of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

2384945The New International Encyclopædia, Volume II — Augusta (German Empress)

AUGUSTA, Ger. pron. ou-gụs′tā̇ (Fem. of Augustus, venerable), Marie Luise Katharina (1811-90). Queen of Prussia and German Empress, the daughter of Charles Frederick, Grand Duke of Saxe Weimar. She was brought up at the court of her grandfather, Charles Augustus, where she was intimately acquainted with Goethe. On June 11, 1829, she married William, Crown Prince of Prussia, afterwards the Emperor William I. She was admired for her culture and beloved for her benevolence.