The New International Encyclopædia/Baudissin, Wolf Heinrich, Graf von

Edition of 1905. See also Wolf Heinrich Graf von Baudissin on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

822303The New International Encyclopædia — Baudissin, Wolf Heinrich, Graf von

BAUDISSIN, bou'dĭs-sĭn, Fr. pron. bṓ'dḗ'sāN', Wolf Heinrich, Graf von (1789-1878). A German author, born at Rantzau, in Holstein. He entered the diplomatic service of Denmark in 1810, and became secretary of legation successively at Stockholm, Vienna, and Paris. In 1827 he settled at Dresden, where he collaborated with Tieck in his famous German translation of Shakespeare. The following plays were translated by Baudissin, and were revised and annotated by Tieck: Othello; King Lear; Much Ado About Nothing; Comedy of Errors; Taming of the Shrew; Measure for Measure; All's Well that Ends Well; Troilus and Cressida; Love's Labor's Lost; Merry Wives of Windsor; Titus Andronicus; Antony and Cleopatra. Among Baudissin's other German translations are the comedies of Molière (4 vols., 1865-67).