The New International Encyclopædia/Biermann, Karl Eduard

Edition of 1905. See also Karl Eduard Biermann on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1324370The New International Encyclopædia — Biermann, Karl Eduard

BIERMANN, bēr'mȧn, Karl Eduard (1803-92). A German artist, born in Berlin. He was at first a decorative painter, but afterwards studied landscape in Switzerland, the Tyrol, and Italy, and was one of the founders and most prominent members of the Berlin school of landscape painting. He was for some time a professor in the Berlin Academy. One of his best works is “Evening in the High Alps” (1842). Others are “View of Florence” (1834), “Tasso's Oak” (1836), “Isle of Philæ,” “Temple of Edfu,” and sixteen water-colors on motives drawn from Dalmatia (1853). His style is in general forceful and harmonious, large in outline, and somewhat decorative in detail.