The New International Encyclopædia/Blümner, Hugo

Edition of 1905. See also Hugo Blümner on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

678628The New International Encyclopædia — Blümner, Hugo

BLÜMNER, blụm'nẽr, Hugo (1844—). A German classical archæologist, born in Berlin, August 9, 1844. He taught in the universities of Breslau and Königsberg, and has been since 1877 professor in the University of Zürich. He is author and editor of many philological and archæological works, of which the most important are: Die gewerbliche Thätigkeit der Völker des klassischen Altertums (1869); Technologie und Terminologie der Gewerbe und Künste bei Griechen und Römern (4 vols., 1874-88); Leben und Sitten der Griechen (1887); Maximaltarif des Diokletian, with Theodor Mommsen (1893); Pausaniæ Græciæ Descriptio (1896); reviser of Hermann, Griechische Privataltertümer (1881), etc.