The New International Encyclopædia/Braun, Julius

Edition of 1905. See also Julius Braun (historian) on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1437802The New International Encyclopædia — Braun, Julius

BRAUN, Julius (1825-69). A German archæologist. He was born in Karlsrühe and studied at the universities of Heidelberg and Berlin. At first a lecturer in the University of Heidelberg, he afterwards went to Tübingen, and finally to Munich, where he lectured in the Academy of Arts. Both in his books and in his lectures he maintained the thesis that the really fundamental principles of art and religion were derived from the Egyptians, and were transmitted, through the Semites, Greeks, and Romans, to the Germanic and other northern peoples. The following are some of his more important publications: Studien und Skizzen aus den Ländern der alten Kultur (1854); Geschichte der Kunst in ihrem Entwicklungsgange, etc. (1873); Naturgeschichte der Sage (1865); Historische Landschaften (1867); Gemälde der mohammedanischen Welt (1870).