The New International Encyclopædia/Buschmann, Johann Karl Eduard

Edition of 1905. See also Johann Karl Eduard Buschmann on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1218056The New International Encyclopædia — Buschmann, Johann Karl Eduard

BUSCHMANN, bụsh'mȧn, Johann Karl Eduard (1805-80). A German philologist, born at Magdeburg. He studied at the universities of Berlin and Göttingen, and collaborated with the brothers von Humboldt in the preparation of their works, particularly with Alexander in the Kosmos (1845-58). His researches in comparative philology were very important. They were directed chiefly toward the dialects of Malaysia and Polynesia and those of Central and Northwestern America. Many of the results of this work are to be found in the Kawisprache auf der Insel Java (3 vols., 1836-39) of W. von Humboldt, which, after Humboldt's death, Buschmann completed and edited for the press. His own publications include Aperçu de la langue des Iles Marquises et de la langue taïtienne (1843); Ueber die aztekischen Ortsnamen (1853); Die Spuren der aztekischen Sprache im nördlichen Mexiko (1859); and Grammatik der sonorischen Sprachen (3 parts, 1864-69).