The New International Encyclopædia/Columbus, Diego (son)

Edition of 1905. See also Diego Columbus on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1513273The New International Encyclopædia — Columbus, Diego (son)

COLUMBUS, Diego (c.1478-1526). Eldest son of Christopher Columbus. He was born probably at Lisbon, and came in 1484 to Spain with his father, who left him for some time with his friends at the Convent of La Rábida, while he himself went to seek aid at the Court. In 1494 he became page to the Crown Prince, Juan, and after the latter's death in 1497 he was admitted into the household of Queen Isabella, where he remained till 1504. After the death of his father he received the title of Admiral of the Indies, but was refused the viceroyalty which he claimed as his paternal right. In 1508 he married a daughter of the house of Alba, and through her influence succeeded in being made Governor of the Indies. In 1509 he arrived at Española to take possession of his office. He never desisted in his claim to the viceroyalty and to a share of the revenues from the New World due him, and in 1520 finally won his case. He was recalled, however, from his government in 1523, and though he made his peace again with the Court, did not return to the New World. He died at Montalban in 1526. His son Luis (1521-72), born at Santo Domingo, received the title of Admiral of the Indies in 1529. He finally abandoned all claims of the family to the viceroyalty and received in compensation an estate in Jamaica and one near Veragua, with the titles of Duke of Veragua and Marquis of Jamaica. In 1563 he was banished on account of his dissolute life to Oran, where he died. With Diego Colon (died 1578), a nephew of Luis and a great-grandson of Christopher, the male line of the great Admiral became extinct. The present Dukes of Veragua trace their descent from a sister of the last Diego.