The New International Encyclopædia/Denk, Hans

Edition of 1905. See also Hans Denck on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

DENK, Hans (c.1495-1527). A German Anabaptist. He was born in Bavaria; studied at Ingolstadt, was proof-reader in Basel, rector of a school at Nuremberg in 1523, and there met Thomas Münzer, and so first came in contact with Anabaptism, which he accepted with modifications. In consequence he was banished from the city, January, 1524, and forced upon that wandering life which he henceforth led until his death, in Basel, November, 1527. His writings are very scarce. He was essentially a mystic, and, like his class, mingled truth and error. For his life, consult L. Keller (Leipzig, 1527).