The New International Encyclopædia/Ende, Hermann

Edition of 1905. See also Hermann Ende on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

673411The New International Encyclopædia — Ende, Hermann

ENDE, ĕn'de, Hermann (1830—). A German architect. He was born at Landsberg, attended the Academy of Architecture at Berlin, and afterwards made a tour of Europe. He has exercised a considerable influence upon the recent development of architecture in Berlin. The numerous buildings constructed by him (partly in association with Wilhelm Böckmann) include the Red Palace, the buildings in the Zoölogical Garden, Royal York Lodge, Ethnological Museum, and the Bank of Commerce and Industry. The Japanese Government intrusted him in 1866 with contracts for the designs of several new public buildings at Tokio and elsewhere. He was made a member of the Berlin Academy of Arts, and honorary member of those of Vienna and Saint Petersburg.