The New International Encyclopædia/Förster, Heinrich

Edition of 1906. See also Heinrich Förster (bishop) on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1380178The New International Encyclopædia — Förster, Heinrich

FÖRSTER, fẽr'stẽr, Heinrich (1800-81). A German Roman Catholic prelate. He was born at Grossglogau, was educated at Breslau, and in 1837 was appointed chief preacher at the Cathedral of Breslau. In 1853 he was elected Bishop. At the numerous synods and councils which he attended he revealed himself as a stanch defender of the orthodox Roman Catholic creed, although he opposed the dogma of infallibility at the Council of the Vatican. In 1875, after repeated conflicts with the Prussian May laws (q.v.), he was deposed from his see. He was a famous pulpit orator. His principal works are: Der Ruf der Kirche in die Gegenwart (4th ed. 1879); Die christliche Familie (6th ed. 1893); Kardinal Diepenbrock. Ein Lebensbild (3d ed. 1878); Gesammelte Kanzelvorträge (5th ed. 1879).