Edition of 1906. See also Fort Worth, Texas on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

FORT WORTH. A city and the county-seat of Tarrant County, Texas, 30 miles west of Dallas; on Trinity River, and on the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fé, the Texas and Pacific, the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific, the Fort Worth and Denver, the Fort Worth and Rio Grande, and other railroads (Map: Texas, F 3). It is the seat of Fort Worth University (Methodist Episcopal) founded in 1881, Polytechnic College (Methodist Episcopal, South) opened in 1891, and the Fort Worth Medical College. Among the finest structures in the city are the Carnegie Public Library, railroad depots, post-office, city hall, and county court-house. Fort Worth has an annual trade valued at $30,000,000; it is the centre of a vast stock-raising country, and is an important cotton market. The industrial establishments include stock-yards, packing houses, grain-elevators, flour-mills, tanneries, breweries, railroad repair-shops, foundries and machine-shops, cotton and oil mills, etc. Settled in 1849, Fort Worth was incorporated in 1872, The government is administered under a charter of 1900, by a mayor elected biennially, and a council which controls the appointments to most of the subordinate municipal offices. The city owns and operates its water-works and electric-light plant. Population, in 1880, 6663; in 1890, 23,076; in 1900, 26,688.