The New International Encyclopædia/Göckingk, Leopold Friedrich Günther von

The New International Encyclopædia
Göckingk, Leopold Friedrich Günther von

Edition of 1906. See also Leopold Friedrich Günther von Goeckingk on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1551376The New International Encyclopædia — Göckingk, Leopold Friedrich Günther von

GÖCKINGK, gẽ'kĭṉk (also spelled Goekingk and Gökingk), Leopold Friedrich Günther von (1748-1828). A German poet. He was born at Gröningen, and was educated at Halle. After occupying various official positions under the Government at Magdeburg, Wernigerode, and Berlin, and acting for several years as privy councilor to the Prince of Orange-Fulda, he in 1826 removed to Berlin, and subsequently to Wartenberg, Silesia. His Lieder zweier Liebenden (3d ed. 1819) won for him great popularity in Germany toward the close of the eighteenth century. His Gedichte (rev. ed. 1821) contain the excellent Episteln and Sinngedichte (separately published, 2d ed. 1778). The latter are occasionally characterized by a vein of modern political satire.