The New International Encyclopædia/Gericke, Wilhelm

Edition of 1906. See also Wilhelm Gericke on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1143457The New International Encyclopædia — Gericke, Wilhelm

GERICKE, gā'rĭk-e, Wilhelm (1845—). A German orchestral conductor. He was born at Gratz, Austria, and early gave evidence of a strong musical temperament. In 1862 he entered the Vienna Conservatory, where he studied under Dessoff. Leaving the conservatory in 1865, he became kapellmeister of the theatre at Linz, and in 1874 received the appointment of second kapellmeister of the Vienna Court Opera, of which Hans Richter (q.v.) was first kapellmeister. On the retirement of Brahms from the conductorship of the Gesellschaftsconcerte in 1880, Gericke succeeded him, and became also the conductor of the Singverein. His fame as a conductor, and particularly as a drill-master, induced the Boston (Mass.) Symphony Orchestra to secure him as its leader. From 1884 to 1889 he held the baton of the organization and succeeded in placing it in the front rank of the world's great orchestras. In 1889 he returned to Vienna, and to the leadership of the Gesellschaftsconcerte (Nikisch succeeding him in Boston), but resigned again in 1895. Three years later he once more took charge of the Boston Orchestra, succeeding Emil Paur. He has published many works for the orchestra, besides much pianoforte and chamber music; but it is principally through his artistic interpretations, skillful leading, and painstaking drill that he has attained his high rank as conductor.