The New International Encyclopædia/Goethe, August von

Edition of 1906. See also Christiane Vulpius on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

735243The New International Encyclopædia — Goethe, August von

GOETHE, gẽ'te, August von (1789-1830). The son of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (q.v.). He was born at Weimar and occupied the position of chamberlain to the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar. He died October 27, 1830, while visiting Rome. By his marriage with the Baroness Ottilie von Pogswisch, a highly accomplished woman, he had three children, of whom Walther Wolfgang (1818-85) was known as a composer of operettas and songs, while his younger brother, Wolfgang Maximilian (1820-83), was a jurist and poet.