The New International Encyclopædia/Gotti, Girolamo Maria

Edition of 1905. See also Girolamo Maria Gotti on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1388706The New International Encyclopædia — Gotti, Girolamo Maria

GOTTI, gṓ'tē, Girolamo Maria (1834—). An Italian prelate of the Roman Catholic Church. He was born in Genoa, where his father was a dock laborer. He joined the Carmelite Order at an early age, and, showing an unusual bent toward physical science, was made professor of mathematics and natural philosophy in one of their colleges. Later he became provincial, and a consulter of the Roman congregations. His diplomatic ability caused him to be selected for various special missions to South American States, which he fulfilled with success, especially in Brazil. In 1895 he was created a cardinal, and later prefect of the Congregation of Bishops and Regulars. In 1902 he was selected, on the death of Cardinal Ledochowski, as prefect of the Propaganda (q.v.)—a still more important office, practically second in importance and responsibility to the Papacy, for the succession to which his name was frequently mentioned, especially as the candidate of the Jesuit Order.