The New International Encyclopædia/Greatrakes, Valentine

Edition of 1905. See also Valentine Greatrakes on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

2041032The New International Encyclopædia — Greatrakes, Valentine

GREAT′RAKES, Valentine (c.1628-83). An Irish soldier and ‘healer,’ born at Affane, County Waterford. At the outbreak of the Irish Rebellion in 1641 he fled to England, and for six years lived in the homes of relatives. From 1649 to 1656 he served in Ireland under Cromwell. About 1661 he felt that he had been given divine healing power, and had what seemed to be remarkable success in ‘touching’ for scrofula, ague, and other diseases, though an exhibition before the King proved a failure. Several pamphlets by medical men and other critics were published, attributing his cures to miraculous agencies, and in 1666 Greatrakes published a vindication of himself entitled A Brief Account, accompanied by numerous testimonials. He retired soon afterwards to his estate at Affane, where he died.