The New International Encyclopædia/Groningen (province)

Edition of 1905. See also Groningen (province) on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1217027The New International Encyclopædia — Groningen (province)

GRONINGEN, grṓ'niṉ-gen. The northeastern province of Holland, bounded on the north by the North Sea, on the east by Germany and the Dollart, on the south by Drenthe, and on the west by Friesland. Area, 904 square miles. Population, in 1900, 299,033. There is considerable shipping and industrial activity, but it is chiefly an agricultural province. The northern and northeastern districts produce wheat and oil seeds; the southern fen lands yield peat; potatoes, rye, and buckwheat are cultivated, and cattle are raised. The province was the ancient Cruoninga. Capital, Groningen.