The New International Encyclopædia/Hadik von Futak, Andreas, Count

The New International Encyclopædia
Hadik von Futak, Andreas, Count

Edition of 1905. See also András Hadik on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1392557The New International Encyclopædia — Hadik von Futak, Andreas, Count

HADIK VON FUTAK, hä'dĭk fṓn fōō'tȧk, Andreas, Count (1710-90). An Austrian general, born on the island of Schütt (formed by the Danube, between Pressburg and Komorn), of an ancient noble family of Hungary. He distinguished himself in the wars against France and Prussia by his bravery and strategical skill. He was advanced to the rank of general in 1747. In the second year of the Seven Years' War (1757) he suddenly made a descent on Berlin and levied upon the city a tribute of 300,000 thalers, which he distributed among his soldiers. After the treaty of peace (1763) he became Governor of Transylvania. He was commander-in-chief of the Austrian Army during the Turkish campaign of 1789, but was compelled by illness to resign his command to Laudon. His diary contains much interesting information on the military history of the eighteenth century.