The New International Encyclopædia/Haupt, Moritz

Edition of 1905. See also Moritz Haupt on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1391552The New International Encyclopædia — Haupt, Moritz

HAUPT, houpt, Moritz (1808-74). A well-known German philologist. He was born at Zittau, and studied from 1826 to 1830 at Leipzig, where in 1841 he was appointed professor of the German language and literature. For having participated in the agitation of 1848-49, he was deprived of his professorship. In 1853, however, he was called to Berlin to succeed Lachmann as professor of classical literature. In 1861 he became perpetual secretary of the Academy of Sciences. By his painstaking and scholarly critical work he rendered distinguished service to both classical and German philology, chiefly as an editor of texts. In the former field he published: Quæstiones Catullinæ (1857); Observationes Criticæ (1841); editions of Horace (4th ed. 1881), Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius (5th ed. 1885), Vergil (2d ed. 1873), and other classical writers. His chief contributions to German philology were editions of Hartmann von Aue's Erec (1839), Lieder und Büchlein, and Der arme Heinrich (1842); Rudolph von Ems's Der gute Gerhard (1840); the poems of Gottfried von Neifen (1851); and the Moritz von Craon (1858), and Von dem übeln Weibe (1871) of Neidhard von Reuenthal, and, above all, Konrad von Würzburg's Engelhard (1844, new ed. 1890). He also edited Æschylus from the papers of Hermann (2d ed. 1858), and completed Lachmann's edition of the Mediæval German lyrics of the Minnesingers (Des Minnesangs Frühling, 4th ed. 1888). In 1836, with Hoffman von Fallersleben, he founded the Altdeutsche Blätter, succeeded in 1841 by the Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum, which he edited until his death. His numerous briefer contributions are collected in his Opuscula (3 vols., 1875-76); and his Französische Volkslieder appeared posthumously in 1877. Consult: Belger, Haupt als akademischer Lehrer (Berlin, 1879); and Nettleship's lecture (Oxford, 1879).