The New International Encyclopædia/Hoe (family)

Edition of 1905. See also Robert Hoe, Richard March Hoe and Robert Hoe III on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

HOE. The name of a family prominently identified with the manufacture and improvement of the printing-press in America. — Robert (1784-1833) was born in Leicestershire, England. He was indentured to a joiner, in 1802 emigrated to the United States, worked for a time at his trade, and subsequently was an associate of his brothers-in-law, Peter and Matthew Smith, in the manufacture of a hand printing-press invented by the former. In 1823 he became sole proprietor of the business. A skillful mechanic, he constructed and introduced the original Hoe press, and was, it is thought, the earliest American machinist to utilize steam as a motive power in his plant. — Richard March (1812-86), son of the foregoing. He began the practical study of printing-press manufacture in 1827, and in 1833 became the senior partner of the Hoe firm. He devised numerous ingenious improvements in the presses, and also produced a fine quality of steel saw. In 1841 he, in connection with his brothers, Peter Smith Hoe and Robert Hoe, took over the entire direction of the business. A rotary press, widely known as ‘Hoe's lightning press,’ was brought out by him in 1846. and forthwith was very extensively adopted for newspaper work. (See Printing.) Afterwards he invented the web perfecting press, which superseded his former invention and prints upon both sides oi the sheet, and includes complicated apparatus for cutting and folding. (See Printing.) Constant improvements were made by him in the output of his works. — Robert III (1839-1909;), a son of Robert Hoe II, succeeded to the headship of the firm, which retains its preëminence among printing-press makers. He was one of the organizers and first president of the Grolier Club, the well-known New York organization for the promotion of book-making as an art. He edited Maberley's Print Collector (1880). See Printing.