The New International Encyclopædia/Holywell

Edition of 1905. See also Holywell on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

HOLYWELL, hō'lĭ-wĕl. A municipal and Parlimentary borough and market-town in Flintshire, North Wales, 4½ miles northwest of Flint (Map: England, C 3). It has limestone quarries, coal and lead mines, and numerous establishments for smelting, manufacturing shot, zinc, etc. There are also manufactures of cottons, flannels, and galloons, paper, and Roman cement. Holywell owes its origin to the renowned well of Saint Winifred, which is said to be the most copious spring in Britain. Its waters were believed to be efficacious in curing diseases, and are still resorted to by Roman Catholic pilgrims. The well is covered by a fine Perpendicular chapel attributed to Margaret, mother of Henry VII. In the vicinity are remains of the old Saxon Abbey of Basingwerk, and in the town is Saint Buenos College for Roman Catholic priests. Population, in 1891, 2894; in 1901, 2652.