The New International Encyclopædia/Knapp, Georg Friedrich

Edition of 1905. See also Georg Friedrich Knapp on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1372144The New International Encyclopædia — Knapp, Georg Friedrich

KNAPP, Georg Friedrich (1842—). A German economist and statistician, born at Giessen. He was educated at Munich, Berlin, and Göttingen. At the age of twenty-five he became head of the statistical bureau of Leipzig, and two years afterwards (1869) became professor of economics at the University of Leipzig. In 1874 he went to Strassburg as professor of political economy. His works are mostly on the question of population and the history of agriculture: Ueber die Ermittelung der Sterblichkeit (1860); Theorie des Bevölkerungswechsels (1874); Die Bauernbefreiung und der Ursprung der Landarbeiter in den ältern Teilen Preussens (1887); Die Landarbeiter in Knechtschaft und Freiheit (1891); and Grundherrschaft und Rittergut (1897).