The New International Encyclopædia/Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College

The New International Encyclopædia
Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College

Edition of 1905. See also Louisiana State University on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

2254313The New International Encyclopædia — Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College

LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY AND AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE. A State institution of learning, at Baton Rouge, La., chartered in 1877. It was based on the Louisiana State Seminary of Learning and Military Academy, opened in 1860 near Alexandria, and removed to Baton Rouge in 1869. The Agricultural and Mechanical College, opened at New Orleans in 1874, was merged with the university in 1877. In 1886 the United States Government gave the use of the buildings and grounds of the military garrison at Baton Rouge, and in 1902 the full title to the property was vested in the institution. The courses offered are literature, Latin-scientific, general science, commerce, agriculture and sugar-raising, mechanical, and civil engineering. The degrees conferred are B.A., B.S., M.S., C.E., M.E., and M..A. The university has three experiment stations, at New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and Calhoun. The discipline is military. In 1902 the attendance was 420, including 162 sub-freshmen. The library contained about 24,000 volumes. There were 29 instructors. The endowment was $320,000, the income about $50,000, and the grounds, buildings, and equipment were valued at $551,000.