Edition of 1905. See also Luzula on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

LU′ZULA (Neo-Lat., from OIt. luzziola, lucciola, glowworm, from luce, light, from Lat. lux, light; connected with Gk. λεύσσειν, leussein, to see, Skt. ruc, to shine, OChurch Slav. lucha, beam of light, OIr. lōche, lightning, OHG. lioht, Ger. Licht, AS. lēoht, Eng. light). A genus of plants of the natural order Juncaceæ, having soft flat leaves, which are generally covered with thinly scattered longish hairs. They do not grow in wet places, like rushes, but in woods, pastures, and elevated mountainous situations. The English name, wood-rush, has sometimes been given to the whole genus, but is only appropriate to some, of which it is the popular name, as Luzula maxima and Luzula campestris, common American species.