The New International Encyclopædia/Müller, Julius

Edition of 1905. See also Julius Müller on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1025316The New International Encyclopædia — Müller, Julius

MÜLLER, Julius (1801-78). A German theologian. He was born at Brieg, Silesia, and was a brother of Karl Otfried Müller (q.v.). He studied at Breslau and Göttingen, at first devoting himself to law, but afterwards to theology. In 1825 he was appointed pastor at Schönbrunn and Rosen, near Strehlen, where he remained seven years. He was appointed in 1831 second university preacher in Göttingen, and there lectured on practical theology and pedagogics. In 1834 he became extraordinary professor of theology in Göttingen, and soon after full professor in Marburg, whence he went in 1839 to occupy a similar chair in Halle. The work on which his reputation as a theologian chiefly rests is Die christliche Lehre von der Sünde (1839; 6th ed. 1889; Eng. trans., from the 5th ed., Edinburgh, 1868); also Dogmatische Abhandlungen (1870). He afterwards published pamphlets on subjects of temporary interest, particularly in vindication of the cause of evangelical union against the attacks of the rigid Lutherans. In conjunction with Neander and Nitzsch, he edited a periodical entitled Deutsche Zeitschrift für christliche Wissenschaft und christliches Leben. Consult his biography, by L. Schultze (Bremen, 1879).