The New International Encyclopædia/Medina (New York)

Edition of 1905. See also Medina, New York on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1388973The New International Encyclopædia — Medina (New York)

MEDI'NA. A village in Orleans County, N. Y., 41 miles west of Rochester and equally distant to the northeast from Buffalo; on Oak Orchard Creek, the Erie Canal, and the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad (Map: New York, B 2). It is in a fertile agricultural region and derives good water power from the creek, where a storage dam is being (1902) constructed, designed to yield 2000 horse-power, which will be utilized to generate electricity for industrial purposes. There are valuable sandstone quarries, foundries, iron works, pump works, flouring mills, and manufactories of furniture, shoes, shirts, vinegar, cigars, and extracts. Medina Falls are visited for their scenic interest. Settled about 1830, Medina was incorporated in 1832. The present government is administered under a charter of 1874, which, as subsequently amended, provides for a president, annually elected, and a board of trustees who act with the executive in electing subordinate officials. Population, in 1890, 4492; in 1900, 4716.