The New International Encyclopædia/Miltitz, Karl von

Edition of 1905. See also Karl von Miltitz on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

707772The New International Encyclopædia — Miltitz, Karl von

MIL′TITZ, Karl von (c.1490-1529). A German ecclesiastic of the Roman Catholic Church, the son of a Saxon noble. He was canon at Mainz, Treves, and Meissen before he became Papal notary in 1515. Three years afterwards he was sent by Pope Leo X. to Saxony on the mission to confer with Martin Luther and his protector, the Elector Frederick the Wise, in the matter of indulgences. An able and politic advocate for a compromise, Miltitz so far succeeded that Luther promised future submission, if not recantation; but though later meetings took place between the two at Altenburg, Liebenwerda, and Lichtenberg, the hope of reconciliation was definitely abandoned on the arrival of a denunciatory Papal bull. Miltitz was charged also with an investigation into the conduct of Tetzel, whom he condemned absolutely. According to some authorities, the delegate was accidentally drowned while on his way to Rome.