Edition of 1905. See also Navy Yard on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

NAVY YARD. The principal navy yard of the United States is located at Brooklyn, N. Y., on the East River. There are three dry docks at this yard and one under construction. Here also is located the naval clothing factory which makes the uniforms for the enlisted men. The other important navy yards of the United States are at Norfolk (Va.), League Island (near Philadelphia), Boston, Mare Island (San Francisco Bay), and Port Orchard (Puget Sound); there are less important yards at Portsmouth (N. H.) and Pensacola (Fla.), and a yard of considerable importance is being developed at Charleston, S. C. In England the term dockyard (see Dockyards, Royal) is equivalent to the American designation navy yard. The great naval establishments on the Continent of Europe are generally termed arsenals (q.v.).