The New International Encyclopædia/Newport News

NEWPORT NEWS. A city and port of entry in Warwick County, Va., 12 miles north by west of Norfolk, and 75 miles southeast of Richmond; on the James River and Hampton Roads, and the terminus of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad (Map: Virginia, H 5). It has also several coastwise and foreign steamship lines. A fine harbor and excellent shipping facilities have made Newport News the centre of large commercial interests, its foreign trade in 1901 being valued at $36,658,000, including exports to the amount of $32,568,000. Its industrial interests, too, are well developed. There is a shipyard employing 6000 men, with two dry docks, 600 and 900 feet in length; also grain elevators, lumber mills, iron works, and coal wharves. Casino Park, in the heart of the city and on the James River, is a popular place of resort. The government, under the original charter of incorporation, is vested in a mayor, elected every two years, and a city council, which confirms the executive's appointment of the police commissioners and elects all other municipal officials, excepting those chosen by the people. Settled in 1882, Newport News was incorporated first in 1896. Its growth during the decade 1890-1900 was exceedingly rapid, a population in 1890 of 4449 having increased to 19,635 in 1900.