The New International Encyclopædia/Noreen, Adolf Gotthard

Edition of 1905. See also Adolf Noreen on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1711958The New International Encyclopædia — Noreen, Adolf Gotthard

NOREEN, nṓ-rān', Adolf Gotthard (1854—). A Swedish philologist. He was born at Oestra Emtervik, Sweden. After graduating from the University of Upsala in 1877, he became a privatdocent there and in 1887 professor of the Scandinavian languages. Among his principal publications are: Aeldre Västgötalagen (1876); Altisländische und altnorwegische Grammatik (2d ed. 1892); Abriss der urgermanischen Lautlehre (Strassburg, 1894); Altschwedische Grammatik mit Einschlus des Altgutnischen (1898). Noreen contributed the article on the Scandinavian language to Paul's Grundriss der Germanischen Philologie, and is the author of a number of articles published in the Archiv für Nordisk Filologi, of which he is one of the editors. He holds a very high place among European philologists.