The New International Encyclopædia/O'Higgins, Ambrosio

2241236The New International Encyclopædia — O'Higgins, Ambrosio

O'HIG′GINS, Span. pron. ō̇-ē′gē̇ns, Ambrosio (c. 1730-1801). A South American governor. He was born in County Heath, Ireland, and his original name was Ambrose Higgins; was sent by his uncle, a priest in Spain, to Buenos Ayres; there he set up as a peddler and finally crossed the country and settled in Chile. He entered the Spanish army, rose rapidly, and in 1788 received the appointment of Captain-General of Chile. The last five years of his life were spent as Viceroy of Peru, with the title of Marquis of Osorno.