The New International Encyclopædia/Posthumous Child

Edition of 1905. See also Posthumous birth on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

2288461The New International Encyclopædia — Posthumous Child

POSTHUMOUS CHILD (Lat. postumus, posthumus, last, superlative of posterus, later; associated by popular etymology with post, behind, after + humus, ground). One born after the father's death, or delivered from the mother by the cæsarian operation after her death. Such a child is regarded by the law, for the purposes of inheritance, and taking property by will, as if it had been born before the parent's death. Where a father makes a will without making provision for a posthumous child, the child is entitled to receive the same share of the estate that he would have taken if the father had died intestate, the will being revoked pro tanto, and the provisions for the other children or legatees being reduced proportionately to make up his share or portion. See Succession; Will.