The New International Encyclopædia/Radcliffe College

Edition of 1905. See also Radcliffe College on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1513983The New International Encyclopædia — Radcliffe College

RADCLIFFE COLLEGE. An institution for the higher education of women at Cambridge, Mass., founded in 1879 by the Society for the Collegiate Instruction of Women. It had no official relations with Harvard University, although popularly known as the Harvard Annex, until 1894, when by act of the General Court of Massachusetts its name was changed to Radcliffe College in honor of Anne Radcliffe, the first woman to give a money endownnent to Harvard. It had in 1903 a faculty of 92, almost all of whom were instructors in Harvard University, and 429 students. The requirements for admission and for the degrees of bachelor of arts and master of arts are identical with those of Harvard College, and the courses of instruction are for the most part the same. In addition, much of the advanced instruction of the university is open to Radcliffe students. The institution had in 1903 a working library of 18,750 volumes and 1100 pamphlets; buildings and grounds valued at $490,000; and an income of $93,130. Sixteen scholarships, each sufficient to meet the tuition fee of $200, are awarded annually.