The New International Encyclopædia/Raumer, Karl Georg von

Edition of 1905. See also Karl Georg von Raumer on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

735977The New International Encyclopædia — Raumer, Karl Georg von

RAUMER, Karl Georg von (1783-1865). A German geologist and educator, born at Wörlitz, brother of the preceding. After studying at several German universities, and at the mining academy at Freiberg, in 1811 he became professor of mineralogy at Breslau, and in 1819 at Halle, whence in 1823 he went to the Dittmar training school in Nuremberg, and in 1827 he was appointed professor of natural history at Erlangen. Among his works are: Geognostische Fragmente (1811); ABC-Buch der Kristallkunde (1820-21); and Lehrhuch der allgemeinen Geographie (1832; 3d ed. 1848). On education he wrote an important Geschichte der Pädagogik (1843-51), which has been translated into English and published in America. Raumer's autobiography was published at Stuttgart in 1866.