The New International Encyclopædia/Reinaud, Joseph Toussaint

Edition of 1905. See also Joseph Toussaint Reinaud on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

2930766The New International Encyclopædia — Reinaud, Joseph Toussaint

REINAUD, ra'no', Joseph Toussaint (1795–1867). A French Orientalist, born at Lambesc (Bouches-du-Rhône). He was a pupil of Sylvestre de Sacy, became connected with the Royal Library, and was appointed conservator of that institution in 1834. He was also president and (1838 et seq.) De Sacy's successor as professor of Arabic at the Ecole des Langues Orientales Vivantes (1838-67). He published: Monuments arabes, persans, et turcs du cabinet de M. le due de Blacas et d'autres cabinets (1828), a work of great value, especially in the province of epigraphy; a version of Raymond Lully's Livre de la loi au Sarrazin (1831, with Michel); Extraits des historiens arabes relatifs aux guerres des croisades (1829); Invasions des Sarrazins en France (1836); the text and a French version of Abulfeda's geography (with Slane. 1840-48); Fragments arabes et persans relatifs à l'lnde (1834); Relation des voyages faits par les Arabes et les Persans dans I'Inde et Chine (1845); and Relations politiques et commerciales de I'empire romain avec l'Asie orientale (1863). From 1847 to his death he was president of the Société Asiatique.