The New International Encyclopædia/Rietz, Julius

Edition of 1905. See also Julius Rietz on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

742818The New International Encyclopædia — Rietz, Julius

RIETZ, rēts, Julius (1812-77). A German conductor and composer, born in Berlin. He studied the 'cello under Schmidt, Bernhard Romberg, and Gans; and when sixteen years old, joined the orchestra of the Königstädter Theater, for which he wrote the music to Holtei's play Lorbeerbaum und Bettelstab. In 1834 he was appointed assistant conductor at the Düsseldorf Opera under Mendelssohn, whom he succeeded the following year. In 1847 he was called to Leipzig as theatre kapellmeister and conductor of the Singakademie. In 1848 he succeeded Mendelssohn as conductor of the Gewandhaus concerts and as teacher of composition at the Conservatory. He was called to Dresden in 1860 to succeed Reissiger as Court kapellmeister. Here he conducted the opera and afterwards undertook the direction of the Royal Conservatory. As a composer he belongs to the younger classic school and was strongly opposed to the Neo-German movement. Among his works are the operas, Das Mädchen aus der Fremde (1833) and Jery und Bätely (c.1840); three symphonies, several overtures to plays, flute sonatas, violin sonatas, motets, masses, psalms, and a quantity of other church music. He died at Dresden.