The New International Encyclopædia/Rogers, Henry Darwin

Edition of 1905. See also Henry Darwin Rogers on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1060486The New International Encyclopædia — Rogers, Henry Darwin

ROGERS, Henry Darwin (1806-66). An American scientist, born in Philadelphia. He studied at William and Mary College, and in 1830-31 was professor of chemistry and natural philosophy at Dickinson College, and then studied for two years in Europe. After his return he lectured at Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, and in 1835 became professor of geology at the University of Pennsylvania. The same year he made for the Government of New Jersey a geological and mineralogical survey of that State, publishing a full report in 1840. From 1836 to 1842, and again from 1851 to 1854, he was State geologist of Pennsylvania. In 1855 he removed to Edinburgh, Scotland, where the final report of his geological works was published under the title The Geology of Pennsylvania, a Government Survey (2 vols., 1858). From 1857 until his death he was regius professor of natural history in the University of Glasgow. Consult Popular Science Monthly, vol. l. (New York, 1897).