The New International Encyclopædia/Sacred Harmonic Society of London

Edition of 1905. See also Sacred Harmonic Society on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

2022271The New International Encyclopædia — Sacred Harmonic Society of London

SACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY OF LONDON. An important English musical organization, organized in 1832 for the performance of oratorios and sacred music generally. It became famous for its extraordinary performances of Handel's work at the Handel festivals, which were begun in 1857 at the Crystal Palace, Sydenham, and which have been held triennially with one exception since 1862. As many as three thousand singers have frequently been assembled with an orchestra of 500 pieces. In the triennial festival of 1900, 4000 performers participated. Sir Michael Costa was conductor of the society from 1848 up to the time of his death.