The New International Encyclopædia/Savary, Anne Jean Marie René

The New International Encyclopædia
Savary, Anne Jean Marie René

Edition of 1905. See also Anne Jean Marie René Savary on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

2206125The New International Encyclopædia — Savary, Anne Jean Marie René

SAVARY, sȧ′vȧrē̇, Anne Jean Marie René, Duke of Rovigo (1774-1833). A French general, born at Marcq (Ardennes). In 1797 he accompanied Desaix to Egypt, and after Marengo (1800) Napoleon made him a colonel and aide-de-camp. In 1802 he became general of brigade and was made chief of the secret police; in 1804, as commandant of troops, stationed at Vincennes, he presided at the shameful execution of the Duke d'Enghien. In the wars of 1806-07 he acquired high military reputation, his victory at Ostrolenka (February 16, 1807) being a brilliant achievement. He distinguished himself also at Friedland (June 14, 1807), and was created Duke of Rovigo in the beginning of the following year. He was then sent to Spain by the Emperor and negotiated the arrangements by which Joseph Bonaparte became King of Spain. In 1810 Savary replaced Fouché as Minister of Police and held office until 1814. After the fall of Napoleon, he was confined by the British Government at Malta for seven months, when he succeeded in making his escape, and landed at Smyrna. He returned to Paris in 1818, and was reinstated in his titles and honors. In 1823 he removed to Rome, having given offense to the Court by his pamphlet Sur la catastrophe de Mgr. le Duc d'Enghien, in which Talleyrand was charged with the responsibility for the Duke's death, but at the close of 1831 he was recalled by Louis Philippe and appointed commander-in-chief of the Army of Africa. He died in Paris. His Mémoires (Paris, 1828) are valuable for the Napoleonic period.