The New International Encyclopædia/Schücking, Levin

Edition of 1905. See also Levin Schücking on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

655788The New International Encyclopædia — Schücking, Levin

SCHÜCKING, shụk'ing, Levin (1814-83). A German novelist, born near Münster. He studied law at Munich. Heidelberg, and Göttingen, but, after returning to Munich, gave up the law for letters. His first efforts, published in 1842, were descriptive: Das Malerische und romantische Westfalen, and Der Dom zu Köln und seine Vollendung. In 1843 he went to Augsburg as one of the editors of the Allgemeine Zeitung, and thence he removed to Cologne to take charge of the Kölnische Zeitung. His numerous novels include: Ein Schloss am Meer (1843); Verschlungene Wege (1867); Die Heiligen und die Ritter (1872); Die Herberge der Gerechtigkeit (1878); Das Recht des Lebenden (1880). After his death appeared Lebenserinnerungen (1886). Although not profound, these works are wholesome and agreeable.

His wife, Luise von Gall (1815-55), was born in Darmstadt. She published her first volume, Frauennovellen, in 1844, and this was followed by the novels Gegen den Strom (1851) and Der neue Kreuzritter (1853). She was also the author of a successful comedy, Ein schlechtes Gewissen (1842).