The New International Encyclopædia/Schlechta, Ottokar Maria von

Edition of 1905. See also Diplomatische Akademie Wien (where he was director 1861-1871) on German Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

937339The New International Encyclopædia — Schlechta, Ottokar Maria von

SCHLECHTA, shlĕK'tȧ, Ottokar Maria von (1825-94). An Austrian Orientalist. He was born in Vienna, studied there, was dragoman in Constantinople from 1848 to 1860, and from 1870 to 1874 was Consul-General at Bucharest, where he represented the Danube Commission, and whence he was transferred to Teheran to act as Plenipotentiary there. The Schlechta collection of Oriental manuscripts is now in the Vienna Imperial Library. He wrote Die osmanischen Geschichtschreiber der neuern Zeit (1856), Der Kampf zwischen Persien und Russland in Transkaukasien (1864), Manuel terminologique français-ottoman (1870), and valuable translations from the Persian.