The New International Encyclopædia/Schultz, Alwin

Edition of 1905. See also Alwin Schultz on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

949492The New International Encyclopædia — Schultz, Alwin

SCHULTZ, shụlts, Alwin (1838—). A German art critic and historian, born at Muskau, Lusatia. After studying archæology and Germanic philology at Breslau, he established himself there as docent for art-history in 1866, was appointed professor in 1872, and called to the University of Prague in 1882. His most important publications include: Schlesiens Kunstleben im 13. bis 18. Jahrhundert (1870-72); Die Legende vom Leben der Jungfrau Maria und ihre Darstellung in der bildenden Kunst des Mittelalters (1878); Das höfische Leben zur Zeit der Minnesinger (2d ed. 1889); Kunst und Kunstgeschichte (2d ed. 1901); Deutsches Leben im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert (1892); and Allgemeine Geschichte der bildenden Künste (1894 et seq.).