The New International Encyclopædia/Selkirk Mountains

Edition of 1905. See also Selkirk Mountains on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

2008735The New International Encyclopædia — Selkirk Mountains

SELKIRK MOUNTAINS. A mountain range in the southeastern part of British Columbia, lying west of and nearly parallel to the Rocky Mountains, from which it differs in geological formation, and from which it is separated by the long, narrow, and straight valley of the Upper Columbia River (Map: British Columbia, F 4). The latter, with its tributary, the Kootenay, and Kootenay Lake, almost completely encircles the range, which is about 200 miles long and 80 miles wide. Although lower than the neighboring Rockies, the Selkirk Range is much more Alpine in character, and consists of rugged peaks, snow fields, glaciers, and precipices, below which the slopes are densely timbered to a height of 6000 feet. The highest peak is Mount Sir Donald, with an altitude of 10,645 feet. The Canadian Pacific Railroad crosses the range at an altitude of 4300 feet through Roger's Pass, which, with the surrounding magnificent region, is a national park reserve. Consult Green, Among the Selkirk Glaciers (London, 1890).