Edition of 1905. See also Sinop, Turkey on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

SINUB, sē̇-no͞ob′. A town in the Vilayet of Kaslamuni, Asiatic Turkey, on the southern shore of the Black Sea. 185 miles northeast of Angora (Map: Turkey in Asia, F 1). It is defended by half-ruined fortifications, but its dock-yard and naval arsenal have been closed. The Bay of Sinub affords the finest anchorage for ships along the northern coast of Asiatic Turkey. The town exports timber, dried fruits, skins, and silk. Population, in 1901, 9749. The ancient city of Sinope was founded by a colony of Milesian Greeks in the eighth centuiy B.C. For two hundred years after the Peloponnesian War it was almost the mistress of the Euxine. Of its former splendor there remain only the 'Castle of Mithridates' and a few Roman substructures. The Bay of Sinub was the scene of a naval engagement, November 30, 1853, in which a Turkish squadron was destroyed by the Russian fleet.