The New International Encyclopædia/Sligo (capital)

Edition of 1905. See also Sligo on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1150620The New International Encyclopædia — Sligo (capital)

SLIGO. The capital of County Sligo, Ireland, on the Garrogue, 131 miles northwest of Dublin (Map: Ireland, C 2). It is well built, and contains several handsome public edifices. There are a town hall, including an assembly room, exchange, free library, etc., and the ruins of an old abbey. Steamers ply regularly between Sligo and Glasgow, Liverpool, and Londonderry. Sligo had its origin in the erection of a Dominican abbey and a castle in the thirteenth century by Maurice Fitzgerald, Earl of Kildare. In the reign of James I. it received a charter. Population, in 1901, 10,862.